TJ I've spoken to you about what I do before but I'll add it to this
awesome thread just in case it's helpful.
- First of all with regards to the 'college that is considering adopting
Sage full scale', we have just done this ourselves. Our students Maple
licenses are still running this year (the first year we teach Sage full
scale) but as of next year we will not have any commercial licences for
students (obviously researchers will have whatever they want/can
afford...). It took a little while setting up our own server (mainly due to
my incompetence) but once we got someone who knew what they were doing to
help it took about two hours to have it all running as we would like. Some
students are already using it (more about this later) and it's brilliant.

- Using Sage in teaching (as opposed to teaching Sage <- that comes in a
bit). I do a combination of using interacts (on the that I describe to the students as the
YouTube of math code) and copying that in to my own worksheet. I show these
during class: 'so to see how this Markov chain behaves if I change this
number we just do this...' but I don't really 'force it' on students. They
have one lab session where they play around with a game theory interact
I've written (so they don't actually code: they just move sliders). Most of
the students copy the interact into their own Sage account (on our server).
They then have another 1 hour lab session where I show them how to use some
basic Sage. The big message is always: 'this is here to help you guys,
don't worry about it if you don't find it helpful'. Then things happen more
or less organically, I continue to use Sage in my lectures (briefly
demonstrating something) and I often say 'you could try that in Sage' when
students ask me a question. This seems to work with students often working
side by side with Sage but obviously some just choose to not use it at all.
The other day I overheard two students talking about solving a 4 variable
linear system: "Have you managed to do it?", "No but I can get Sage to do
it.", "Ok let's work through with Sage and see if we can figure it out" (I
almost shed a tear of joy).

- Teaching Sage. The above is for an MSc course, but we have recently
decided that all of our first years should be exposed to some level of
programming. As a result I now teach an 11 week module called 'Computing
for mathematics'. The first 5 weeks are pure python (going up to OOP and
some sorting/searching algorithms) and then we attack Sage (the final week
is LaTeX). The Sage part hasn't happened yet but when it does there will be
160 new people knowing what Sage is. This course is working well so far
with the usual 'programming allergy' that we used to have with some of our
Mathematics students not happening. Before, some programming was introduced
through our numerical analysis course but there would often be students who
would simply not engage with that part of the course ('I came here to prove
theorems...'). As this course is JUST about programming it seems to work.
By that I mean that everyone engages, certainly not that everyone enjoys
it. I'd say about 40% of students are 'not as happy as they could be' but
they all engage and try hard and hopefully seem to be learning something.
The main expectation of this course is that students will have at least
some understanding of some coding that will take place in later years (for
example I will be using Sage extensively in a new 3rd year Game Theory

Anyway not sure if that was helpful or just me rambling on.

I enjoyed reading everyone else's answers (I also regularly scold students
for using IE and sometime point them towards:


On 27 October 2013 02:24, A. Jorge Garcia <> wrote:

> Great thread!
> I've been using SAGE for several years at the High School level. Here's a
> sample of what I've done:
> Last year I had my students use worksheets on an online server all year
> learning Python in an intro CS course.
> Those students are now in AP CompSci doing well with Java.
> Sample WorkSheets:**
> 34567/pub/?typ=pub&search=**CSH2012<>
> YouTube ScreenCast:**playlist?list=**
> PLL956Pn2cKSgLHSxQLPO6YIQ8VlxL**PNgc<>
> This year I'm using SAGE more then ever in my preCalculus class. This year
> I installed a SAGE server on all 24 PCs in my classroom with the 64bit
> Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop. Here we use SAGE instead of a Graphing Calculator, so
> they don't make worksheets to save or print their work. We run SAGE in a
> terminal. I started the year with worksheets but find the terminal easier
> for the students to use for scratch work. I still post worksheets as
> summaries of our classwork online to share with my students on Edmodo or
> Blogspot.
> Sample WorkSheets:**
> 34567/pub/?typ=pub&search=**MATH4R2013<>
> YouTube ScreenCast:**playlist?list=PLL956Pn2cKSj_*
> *D7PliLz1_VdQ1rRpgaE1<>
> Older TI83 based preCalculus SmartNotes:**
> x3f1co9j0mcysch/R5ehSZRdUT<>
> Older TI83 based preCalculus ScreenCast:**
> playlist?list=**PLD30F06ABDC2510BF<>
> As some students are still more comfortable with a TI83, I give the
> students the option of using SAGE or a TI83 on HomeWorks, Quizzes and
> Tests. So, I use the "Older" files for a flipped classroom.
> HTH,
> A. Jorge Garcia
> Applied Math, Physics & CS
> http://shadowfaxrant.blogspot.**com <>
> 2013 NYS Secondary Math Nominee
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Dr Vincent Knight
Cardiff School of Mathematics
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CF24 4AG
(+44) 29 2087 5548
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