Aside from the specific range issue, I just want to say thanks very much
for brining this up, as it made me take a closer look at the single cell
server. This really is a great way to introduce students to Sage. The fact
that you can provide a simple URL without having to worry about managing
accounts in any way opens up lots of possibilities for easily providing
examples to students and for having them share their ideas. It's very
simple, just one cell. But even in just one cell, you can still do a lot.

- Michel

On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 7:07 AM, Brad Burkman <> wrote:

> I'm using Sage in my Calc I course.  To get students comfortable with it,
> I'm starting with, the single-cell server.  I want the
> students to start by using Sage to graph.  Here's a sample question from
> their text:
> "Graph y = sin x and y = csc x together for -pi <= x <= 2*pi.  Comment on
> the behavior of csc x in relation to the signs and values of sin x."
> When they enter
>     A = plot( csc(x), -pi, 2*pi )
>     show(A)
> the y values go from zero down to -8e15.
> How can they limit the range of the graph so they can see the pertinent
> behavior?
> Thanks,
> Brad
> --
> J. Bradford Burkman
> Instructor in Mathematics, Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts
> XSEDE Campus Champion, Louisiana Scholars' College
> --
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