Hi Brad!  Good to hear from you.

> When they enter
>     A = plot( csc(x), -pi, 2*pi )
>     show(A)
> the y values go from zero down to -8e15.  
This is pretty typical for anything with asymptotes. 

> How can they limit the range of the graph so they can see the pertinent 
> behavior?
> <javascript:>
Have them try using plot(..., ymin=-5,ymax=5) or whatever is relevant.  In 
fact, this is a good exercise, to see how such functions behave... but of 
course maybe by default they would want to try having a set standard for 
such asymptotic functions to always put in.  We haven't yet come up with a 
(good) way to automatically detect such things, as "detect_poles" doesn't 
always do this.  See also http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/3985 
and http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/8341

- kcrisman

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