On Jul 30, 3:12 pm, michel paul <pythonic.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've recently been wondering about starting off the next school year (high
> school) with cellular automata. It seems like this would be a great way to
> immediately introduce lots of important math and computational ideas
> visually. These days you can enter something like 'rule 30' into
> WolframAlpha, and you can google lots of interactive boards for Conway's
> Game of Life, so it has become something that would be easy to demonstrate
> in class and easy for kids to access outside of class. Just a little while
> ago this would have been difficult to approach at a high school level,
> probably only in a CS class, but now anyone with internet access can get a
> great introduction to the subject.
> Is there a good way to study CA using Sage that would be manageable by a
> high school student using a *.sagenb account?

Try sage.interacts.fractals.cellular_automaton and see

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