Hi Mike,

On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 5:59 AM, Mike OS <mosul...@math.sdsu.edu> wrote:
> Some of you may remember that I've been working with some students to
> develop
> a sage tutorial appropriate for our undergraduates.  It is now ready
> for public viewing!
> Ryan Rosenbaum designed the layout and the machinery for the website,
> and wrote
> much of the content.  David  Monarres worked on content and design as
> well.

If I want to cite the tutorial, whose names do I put down? I have
listed the tutorial on the Sage website [1] and used the following

Mike O'Sullivan, Ryan Rosenbaum, and David Monarres

> At the moment, the focus audience is my abstract algebra undergrads.
> I use Hungerford's Abstract Algebra: an Introduction.

Interesting... I used that book for two years to study abstract algebra.

> A question:  if others would like to contribute, how best to manage
> the growth?

Here are some suggestions aiming at technically minded contributors:

(1) Put your source files under revision control and provide a daily
snapshot tarball or zip'd archive. I personally wouldn't recommend CVS
or SVN as even viewing the history log of a repository requires
transferring stuff over a network. What if I'm not connected to the
Internet, but I still want to view the history log? Or I want to check
my typo fixes into my private copy of the repository but I don't want
to really check my fixes into the master repository hosted somewhere?

(2) Host your project (in this case your tutorial) somewhere that
provides issues tracking, push and pull (the source files), etc. There
are many free project hosting sites available. They may be project
hosting sites, but there's nothing stopping you from putting your
tutorial under revision control and host your tutorial just like you
would host an open source software project. Some free online hosting
providers I have used include:

* Bitbucket http://bitbucket.org: unlimited hosting space, uses Mercurial

* GitHub http://github.com: unlimited hosting space, uses Git

* Google code http://code.google.com: a fixed 2 GB of hosting space
(but you can request more space), choice of SVN or Mercurial

If you feel strongly about using open source tools, you could
investigate the Gitorious (http://gitorious.org) project hosting
provider. It uses Git for its revision control system.

I personally wouldn't recommend sourceforge.net because it's
ad-ridden. People like me who have limited bandwidth and monthly quota
don't want to download junk. And even after I have disabled automatic
loading of images, I would still get junk from sourceforge.net.

(3) Setup a project website for your tutorial.

And some suggestions aiming at contributors in general:

(4) Provide a PDF version of your tutorial for people to download.
Also provide an easy way for people to download the whole of the HTML
version as well.

(5) For the online tutorial, use a software package that allows people
to comment on individual paragraphs. To see what I mean, go through
the online version of the free book "Mercurial: The Definitive Guide"
[2] or "The Django Book" [3]. You might want to investigate using
Commentpress [4] or ucomment [5] for examples of software packages
that allow people to comment on individual paragraphs. Contributors
who don't want to use revision control to provide you with a patch can
opt to contribute in other ways, e.g. comment on individual
paragraphs, etc.

(6) Have at least one editor. Among other things, an editor provides
some level of consistency throughout your tutorial.

(7) Advertise your tutorial on social networks like Facebook [6] or
Twitter [7]. That should provide you with a wider pool of potential
contributors. Sorry, I just stole that job from you: I made the
advertisements myself :-)

[1] http://www.sagemath.org/help.html#furtherResources

[2] http://hgbook.red-bean.com/read/

[3] http://djangobook.com/en/2.0/

[4] http://www.futureofthebook.org/commentpress/

[5] http://ucomment.org

[6] http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sage-Math/26593144945

[7] http://twitter.com/sagemath

Minh Van Nguyen

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