Great!  This topic is timely for me as well.

I would like to begin having my students use Sage this year in my high
school calculus class.  (The class is roughly equivalent to the first
two semester of a college class.    Students will take the AP BC exam
in May and so I have long included the use of a TI-8x calculator.)   I
need to assume that students have never programmed and have not heard
of any math software, let alone used something -- even a spreadsheet.
 I'd like to have a documentation to take these students from where
they are to having enough Sage at any time in the year to augment
their work in class -- maybe JESTEC
Just Enough Sage To Enhance Calculus

I've set up an experimental Sage server in my basement and have met
with a few students this summer to try out some ideas.  Here are
(notes about a possible opening session.   I have intentionally stayed
away from the plot command as I want students to build a little
appreciation of what goes into making (and meaning) of a function

I'm closed with a few lines of (my first effort at) ReStructuredText
which might help.  It has occured to me that I might take some Python
and Sage documentation which is in Sphinx and build a set of
documentation of first year calculus students.

Comments and help will be greatly appreciated.


.. Begin ReST
.. _Notes of Introduction to JESTEC:

Notes of Introduction to JESTAC (Just Enough Sage To Enhance Calculus):
I'd like to get them up and running by looking at lists, math functions, and
list_plots.   As these students have taken precalculus, I assume they have
seen sigma notation.

Math Notation to Sage
The first step is to go from the math notation of:
$$\sum_{i = 0}^7 i^2$$
to the Sage/Python notation of::

 sage: L = [i^2 for i in range(8)]
 sage: L
 sage: sum(L)

Function Domain, Range and Ordered Pairs
Now focus of math functions with a discrete domain and corresponding range::

   # introduce a math function
   sage: f(x) = x^2
   # setup a domain
   sage: D = [x for x in range(-4,5)]
   # setup a list of ordered pairs
   sage: P = [(x,f(x)) for x in D]
   sage: P
   # plot the ordered pairs
   sage: plot1 = list_plot(P);plot1
   # setup a domain and range lists
   sage: D = [x for x in range(-4,5)]
   sage: R = [f(x) for x in D]
   # introduce grabbing elements of a list, e.g. the 4th element of R
   sage: R[3]
   # combine the lists to get the ordered pairs
   sage: P1 = [(D[i],R[i]) for i in range(len(D))]
   sage: list_plot(P1)

Introduce list where numbers need not be integers
(I don't want to get into QQ vs RR.) This also starts students on idea
of named parameters. ::

 # Getting more points using non-integer $\Delta x$.
 sage: deltax = 0.5
 sage: start = -4
 sage: stop = 4 + deltax
 sage: f(x) = x^2
 sage: D2 = [x for x in srange(start,stop,deltax)]
 sage: P2 = [(x,f(x)) for x in D2]
 sage: plot2 = list_plot(P2)

Use lists to plot parametric functions
The need for the *aspect_ratio* parameter comes up naturally::

   # lists and parametric functions
   sage: x(t) = cos(t) ; y(t) = sin(t)
   sage: C = [(x(t),y(t)) for t in srange(0,2*pi,pi/8)]
   sage: list_plot(C)
   # fix the aspect ratio to get a better circle
   sage: list_plot(C,aspect_ratio=1)

.. end ReST

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