I found a set of notes of elementary math using Sage in schilly's page
(I don't remember how to get there), but they are in spanish... although
are very useful.

Title: Matematicas Elementales con Sage.
Author: J. L. Tabara.
e-mail: jltab...@gmail.com

You could try them. ;-)

On Wed, 2010-02-03 at 09:37 -0500, Dana Ernst wrote:
> I'm planning on using Sage for the very first time in both my Calculus II 
> class and my Abstract Algebra class.  I am wondering if anyone has any intro 
> to Sage worksheets that they've used with their students.  My students are 
> surprisingly non-tech savvy, so something basic would be nice (for me too, 
> since I'm new to Sage, as well!).  I already have Beezer's "Group Theory and 
> SAGE: A Primer" but other resources would be great.  A worksheet that 
> includes basic stuff like "click on the blue horizontal line to obtain a new 
> cell" would be great.
> I'm also interested in a "top 10 list" for the Sage commands my students will 
> probably be using.  That is, what are the top ~10 commands that my calculus 
> students (respectively, abstract algebra students) need to know?
> Thanks in advance.
> Dana Ernst, Ph.D.
> Assistant Professor
> Department of Mathematics
> Plymouth State University
> MSC 29, 17 High Street
> Plymouth, NH 03264-1595
> Email: dcer...@plymouth.edu
> Web Page: http://oz.plymouth.edu/~dcernst
> Office: Hyde 312

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