I'm planning on using Sage for the very first time in both my Calculus II class 
and my Abstract Algebra class.  I am wondering if anyone has any intro to Sage 
worksheets that they've used with their students.  My students are surprisingly 
non-tech savvy, so something basic would be nice (for me too, since I'm new to 
Sage, as well!).  I already have Beezer's "Group Theory and SAGE: A Primer" but 
other resources would be great.  A worksheet that includes basic stuff like 
"click on the blue horizontal line to obtain a new cell" would be great.

I'm also interested in a "top 10 list" for the Sage commands my students will 
probably be using.  That is, what are the top ~10 commands that my calculus 
students (respectively, abstract algebra students) need to know?

Thanks in advance.

Dana Ernst, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Plymouth State University
MSC 29, 17 High Street
Plymouth, NH 03264-1595

Email: dcer...@plymouth.edu
Web Page: http://oz.plymouth.edu/~dcernst
Office: Hyde 312

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