This is probably obvious but why is type='gap' not standard for Galois 

On Sunday, October 15, 2017 at 12:25:11 PM UTC-4, John Cremona wrote:
> Extracting information about a Galois group is more painful than it 
> should be.  After 
> sage: K.<z> = CyclotomicField(5) 
> sage: G = K.galois_group(type='pari') 
> sage: G 
> Galois group PARI group [4, -1, 1, "C(4) = 4"] of degree 4 of the 
> Cyclotomic Field of order 5 and degree 4 
> we have 
> sage: type(G) 
> <class 'sage.rings.number_field.galois_group.GaloisGroup_v1'> 
> (other types are returned if other options for the galois_group() 
> method are chosen).  There is not a lot you can do with this G except 
> get its order (G.order()) without going deeper: 
> sage: 
> sage: type(GG) 
> <class 'sage.groups.pari_group.PariGroup_with_category'> 
> sage: GG 
> PARI group [4, -1, 1, "C(4) = 4"] of degree 4 
> This type has "forgotten" that it is a Galois group but has many more 
> methods; sadly most not implemented.  At least one might want to 
> extract the 4 elements of the underlying list which are the order (4) 
> which in this example happens to also be the degree (4), meaning that 
> GG is a subgroup of S_4 (degree=4) of order 4.  The second entry -1 is 
> the sign (-1 means odd, i.e. not a subgroup of A_4), the third is the 
> "T-number" which identifies this group in some classification of 
> transitive groups. 
> As far as I know the only way to get the sign and T-number is to 
> retrieve the underlying PARI list via GG.__pari__() (which until 
> recently was GG._pari_() with single underscores).  I would like to 
> implement 
> GG.sign() # returns GG.__pari__()[1] 
> GG.t_number() # returns GG.__pari__()[2] 
> and perhaps more.  I have been looking in the PARI/gp documentation on 
> Galois groups and what it says about this 4-tuple is 
> "The output is a 4-component vector [n,s,k,name] with the following 
> meaning: n is the cardinality of the group, s is its signature (s = 1 
> if the group is a subgroup of the alternating group A_d, s = -1 
> otherwise) and name is a character string containing name of the 
> transitive group according to the GAP 4 transitive groups library by 
> Alexander Hulpke. 
> k is more arbitrary and the choice made up to version 2.2.3 of PARI is 
> rather unfortunate: for d > 7, k is the numbering of the group among 
> all transitive subgroups of S_d, as given in "The transitive groups of 
> degree up to eleven", G. Butler and J. McKay, Communications in 
> Algebra, vol. 11, 1983, pp. 863--911 (group k is denoted T_k there). 
> And for d ≤ 7, it was ad hoc, so as to ensure that a given triple 
> would denote a unique group. Specifically, for polynomials of degree d 
> ≤ 7, the groups are coded as follows, using standard notations (etc)" 
> Despite the ad hoc nature of this parameter k I still think we should 
> allow users to get at it more easily. 
> John 

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