Non units are not interval in the same parent, but might be in  a bigger 
one (think of the fraction field of a ring). The question is to have a 
method that tries to invert the object even if it has to go to a bigger 
parent; and a different one that tries to find the inverse in the same 
parent, and raises an exception if it doesn't exist.

El miércoles, 6 de julio de 2016, 21:49:24 (UTC+2), Daniel Krenn escribió:
> On 2016-07-06 16:59, Vincent Delecroix wrote: 
> > Do you have any suggestion for the name of a method for *internal* 
> > inversion in a multiplicative monoid (e.g. ring). Currently I know of 
> > 
> > sage: (-1).inverse_of_unit() 
> > -1 
> > 
> > sage: m = matrix(2, [2,1,1,1]) 
> > sage: m._invert_unit() 
> > [ 1 -1] 
> > [-1  2] 
> _invert_ ? 
> This would kind of coincide with Pythons __invert__ (operator ~), which 
> is used for this inversion in SageMath anyways. 
> (I don't see any reason to have the word "unit" in the name of the 
> method (non-units are not invertible)) 

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