On 06/07/16 15:48, Kwankyu Lee wrote:
How about "m.multiplicative_inverse()" or just "m.inverse()" which already
works for matrices? Or those with a hyphen prepended, for "internal" use.
`.inverse()` and `._invert_unit()` are different for matrices
sage: m = matrix(2, [2,1,1,1])
sage: m._invert_unit().base_ring()
Integer Ring
sage: m.inverse().base_ring()
Rational Field
My question concerns ***internal*** inversion. (internal meant inside
the same parent).
On the other hand, "inverse" or "invert" implies that m is(should be) a
unit. Then "unit" in the name seems redundant...
Not in Sage, `~x` and `x.inverse()` are considered as shortcut for `1/x`
and involves coercion (maybe for bad).
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