On Thu, 19 May 2016, Samuel Lelievre wrote:
I'm wondering if we should close all trac tickets whose milestone
has been set to "sage-duplicate/invalid/wontfix"?
Review them first? Some already have "positive review".
Volker goes through wontfix/positive -tickets sometimes.
But for example in http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/19029 I asked: "- -
three months have gone, I suggest that we close this ticket. Click to
positive_review if you agree." And on http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/9155
I got a good suggestion from Frédéric for an old ticket.
A suggestion: Add a "random old ticket" -link to trac (IF it is easy to
do). Maybe then some developers will take a habit of clicking it
Jori Mäntysalo