> The problem, as I see it, is that Sage has built up over the years its 
> own ad-hoc packaging system.  This is actually really cool, because 
> it's what's allowed Sage to be installable on a wide range of 
> platforms!  I think this happened sort of organically over time, as 
> various direct dependencies of Sage couldn't be installed easily on 
> some platforms due to poor support for *those* dependencies' 
> dependencies and so on.  

Yes yes you are exactly correct.  For instance the gcc inclusion is 
(largely, not entirely) due to Mac's compiler going down some separate road.

One issue I haven't seen addressed a lot is when a package manager might 
have a different - and, at least for a time, incompatible - version of a 
package in Sage.  How is that/should that be dealt with?  E.g. on gentoo I 
think it's "dealt with" by having a very hard-working kiwifb making sure 
things work out right :) which however isn't scalable.

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