%%maxima doesn't work but %maxima does 

Le vendredi 18 décembre 2015 11:35:53 UTC+1, Jeroen Demeyer a écrit :
> Should the Jupyter notebook be the default notebook for the next Sage 
> 7.0 release? I don't really have an opinion on the matter. 
> Pros: 
> * Nice tracebacks! 
> * The Jupyter notebook is a mature well-maintained project, unlike 
> SageNB. It is widely used in the "scientific Python" community. 
> * Availability of other Jupyter kernels besides Sage. 
> Cons: 
> * Less compatible with Sage: Sage interacts don't work, some graphics 
> don't work. 
> * Certain features of SageNB are missing: live documentation, 
> sharing/publishing of worksheets. 
> * It clutters the file system with .ipynb files. 
> Don't cares: 
> * It's just a default choice, both options remain available. 

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