On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 1:02 PM, Volker Braun <vbraun.n...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at 11:55:36 AM UTC+1, Min RK wrote:
>> If we truncate instead of virtual-scroll, then we have a choice for
>> whether truncated output is included in the document or not, which
>> alleviates the problem of opening notebooks that have a problematic amount
>> of output
> There is no fundamental problem with large amounts of output (really, any
> content), and there is essentially only a single way to do it right:
> The view (dom) needs only a fixed number of dom nodes for a virtual scroll.
> The in-browser view model can lazily load the current scroll position,
> with a suitable cache. Fixed amount of browser JS memory.
> The server can just mmap the output file, or alternatively seek around in
> the file. With a suitable index. Fixed amount of server-side memory.

Files aren't used for output. The filesystem should only be involved, if at
all, in the exceptional case of output overflow.

> The kernel has to block if the notebook server can't append output fast
> enough, thats normal flow control just like in a pipe. Fixed memory usage
> in the kernel.
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