On Friday, October 9, 2015 at 7:08:19 PM UTC+2, William wrote:
> the copyright notice above very explicitly states that "all 
> rights reserved"

As you said, thats a no-op: 

The modified nauty-h.in does give permission to everything except the two 
clauses. The two clauses are fine with the GPLv3 so its obviously 

Since clearly nobody read it ;-) here is the license part of the new 

*    AUTHOR: Brendan D. McKay                                               
*            Research School of Computer Science                           
*            Australian National University                                 
*            Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia                                 
*            phone:  +61 2 6125 3845                                       
*            email:  Brendan.McKay@xxx                                *
*   Nauty is copyright (1984-2015) Brendan McKay.  All rights reserved.     
*   Permission is hereby given for the use, distribution and modification   
*   of this software subject to the following.                             
*   * You must not remove this section of the text, containing author       
*     attribution, copyright notice, and legal disclaimer.                 
*   * You must clearly mark modified versions of this software             
*     as differing from the original.                                       
*   This program is only provided "as is".  No responsibility will be taken 
*   by the author, his employer or his pet rabbit* for any misfortune which 
*   befalls you because of its use.  I don't think it will delete all your 
*   files, burn down your computer room or turn your children against you, 
*   but if it does: stiff cheddar.  On the other hand, I very much welcome 
*   bug reports, or at least I would if there were any bugs.               
*                                                       * RIP, 1989         
*   Traces is copyright Adolfo Piperno (2011-).                             

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