Looks great; The two restrictions 

*   * You must not remove this section of the text, containing author       
*     attribution, copyright notice, and legal disclaimer.                 
*   * You must clearly mark modified versions of this software             
*     as differing from the original.                                       

are explicitly allowed by GPLv3 section 7:

b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or author 
attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal Notices displayed 
by works containing it; or
c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or 
requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in reasonable 
ways as different from the original version; or

On Friday, October 9, 2015 at 4:40:38 PM UTC+2, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Brendan McKay <brenda...@anu.edu.au <javascript:>>
> Date: 9 October 2015 at 02:45
> Subject: Re: nauty in Sage (was: Code generating finite posets of given 
> size (fwd))
> To: Dima Pasechnik <dmitrii....@cs.ox.ac.uk <javascript:>>
> Cc: Jori Mäntysalo <jori.ma...@uta.fi <javascript:>>, gunnar.b...@ugent.be 
> <javascript:>, b...@cs.anu.edu.au <javascript:>
> Dear Dima,
> Please replace nauty-h.in by the attached version.  Note that it may
> only work with the new version that sent you yesterday.
> The two remaining caveats in the copyright notice are compatible
> with GPLv3 section 7.
> Cheers, Brendan.
> On 9/10/2015 3:46 PM, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>> Dear Brendan,
>> On Thu, Oct 08, 2015 at 05:48:08PM +1100, Brendan McKay wrote:
>>> You can use the source code of nauty in Sage with the words "with
>>> the exception of
>>> sale for profit or application with nontrivial military
>>> significance" removed from the
>>> copyright notice.  I take it that you can keep the rest of the
>>> copyright notice intact.
>> I didn't mean to be dense, but it turns out we'd need to modify it a bit 
>> more;
>> namely, it's not clear on whether modifications are allowed (well, I 
>> presume
>> that by requesting that changes are to be documented you mean that they 
>> are
>> allowed), and the clause "you must document any changes that you make to 
>> this
>> program" is not compatible with GPL.
>> For the latter, we can assure you that the developent of Sage makes 
>> changes
>> and their documentation more or less compulsory (changes are recorded
>> in the publicly available git repository, and they are reviewed on a
>> publicly readable server trac.sagemath.org.
>> That is to say, at least the eventual changes we'd make will be traceable
>> and documented.
>> The easiest for us would be if you chose a license
>> from 
>> http://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.en.html#GPLCompatibleLicenses
>> e.g. http://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:ClearBSD
>> and released (a version of) nauty under it.
>> Although I'd fully understand if you choose not to do so.
>> Thanks,
>> Dima
>> You can take this email as official permission.
>>> Perhaps you can use the attached version (not much distributed yet).
>>> In particular
>>> utilities for files of digraphs are implemented.
>>> Cheers, Brendan.
>>> On 08/10/15 07:05, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>>>> Dear Brendan,
>>>> Sage(math) has the nauty package up an running,  e.g
>>>> sage: list(digraphs.tournaments_nauty(4))
>>>> [Digraph on 4 vertices,
>>>> Digraph on 4 vertices,
>>>> Digraph on 4 vertices,
>>>> Digraph on 4 vertices]
>>>> but we want more: a better integration...
>>>> (e.g. the above would only work if the user installed an optional
>>>> package 'nauty')
>>>> To bring this up again: the only way we could incorporate nauty
>>>> into the main Sage library
>>>> is by including your files with the  "exception of sale
>>>> for profit or application with nontrivial military significance"
>>>> part of the copyright notice removed.
>>>> As Sage is released under GPL, we cannot keep it in the source.
>>>> (cf. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.en.html#NoMilitary)
>>>> Did you mean to tell us to remove it if we must?
>>>> Or rather you weren't aware that we cannot just put your files
>>>> there untouched?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Dima
>>>> On 7 October 2015 at 11:11, Jori Mäntysalo <jori.ma...@uta.fi 
>>>> <javascript:>
>>>> <mailto:jori.ma...@uta.fi <javascript:>>> wrote
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 12:39:58 +0000
>>>> From: Brendan McKay <brenda...@anu.edu.au <javascript:>
>>>> <mailto:brenda...@anu.edu.au <javascript:>>>
>>>> To: Jori Mantysalo <jori.ma...@uta.fi <javascript:> <mailto:
>>>> jori.ma...@uta.fi <javascript:>>>,
>>>>     Gunnar Brinkmann <gunnar.b...@ugent.be <javascript:>
>>>> <mailto:gunnar.b...@ugent.be <javascript:>>>,
>>>>     "b...@cs.anu.edu.au <javascript:> <mailto:b...@cs.anu.edu.au 
>>>> <javascript:>>"
>>>> <b...@cs.anu.edu.au <javascript:> <mailto:b...@cs.anu.edu.au 
>>>> <javascript:>>>
>>>> Subject: Re: Code generating finite posets of given size
>>>> Sorry, I forgot to answer.  It applies to all of the nauty files, but
>>>> for incorporation into Sage you can ignore it.
>>>> Brendan.
>>>> ________________________________________
>>>> From: Jori Mantysalo <jori.ma...@uta.fi <javascript:>
>>>> <mailto:jori.ma...@uta.fi <javascript:>>>
>>>> Sent: 30 October 2014 23:00
>>>> To: Gunnar Brinkmann; b...@cs.anu.edu.au <javascript:> <mailto:
>>>> b...@cs.anu.edu.au <javascript:>>
>>>> Subject: Re: Code generating finite posets of given size
>>>> On Wed, 8 Oct 2014, Gunnar Brinkmann wrote:
>>>>         I am now packaging it. Nauty.h contains copyright with
>>>>         "exception of sale
>>>>         for profit or application with nontrivial military
>>>>         significance." Does this
>>>>         apply to whole package? If so, I will make this an optional
>>>>         package, as
>>>>         core packages are GPL only.
>>>>     this is a question Brendan will answer. Good to hear that you
>>>>     succeeded
>>>>     in making it available in Sage.
>>>> There has now been three weeks since I asked this. No horry, but I just
>>>> ping you to be sure that this has not been forgotten.
>>>> --
>>>> Jori Mäntysalo

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