On 16 September 2015 at 02:40, Nathann Cohen <nathann.co...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I believe this will help quite some ODK toward its aims. So, Vincent,
>> Samuel, Dima, if you feel like it, it would be natural to count some
>> of your work here as part of your ODK contribution. We need to fit this
>> into some of our deliverables. The closest match I found for now is:
>>    D3.8: Continuous integration platform for multi-platform build/test.
>> Not great; better ideas?
> Cool. So basically you add a "ODK" stamp over what people would do anyway,
> and then you say that it has been done thanks to ODK?


Nicolas is totally correct here. E.g. as far as I am concerned, it's
thanks to ODK, which pays 50% of my salary, that I can set aside time
for this.

If I had been on a permanent (non)tenure-track in some reincarnation
of State U. of Mordor, or had to write code for food, or had to teach
15 hours a week, I most probably won't  be here.


> As far I am concerned, I don't mind if you manage your small company on
> another mailing list.
> Nathann

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