On 12/08/15 19:59, Julien Puydt wrote:

On 12/08/2015 19:55, Nathann Cohen wrote:
Hello William,

I cannot say that I like your new signature the slightest bit [1].

I feel like the work to software I contribute is being stolen by
somebody who wants to make money off it. I feel like its name has been
stolen too. Sagemath is clearly a free software for mathematics, and
"Sagecloud" can pass for being something something different.

But when sagemath.com is a website that sells Sage Cloud, we have a



[1] https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sage-cloud/31raOrutcog/DkKI2wGKCAAJ

as long as sagemathcloud is free (as in freedom) software, I see no
reason to complain... or can you point to a place where the license
hasn't been followed ?

SageMath Inc (whose website is sagemath.com) is making money out of a free software. There is nothing bad in it. But it is not a free buisness.

As far as I understand, the problem is that this company (and its website) has the very same name as the free software. The complaint is not about software patents.

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