On 30 April 2015 at 16:06, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 12:34 PM, Bill Page <bill.p...@newsynthesis.org> 
> wrote:
>> ...
> You stated 'that the Sage developer emphasis on "doc  tests" has
> resulted in any fewer errors or problems in Sage in comparison to
> other systems.'   I'm not sure if I should respond to this, but I'm
> going to.
Yes, I guess we do so at our own risk. :) My intention was not to
flame but rather just expressing my reaction after reading


and considering the possible fate of my 3 line patch if I don't find
the time to do things this way.  It just occurred to me that for such
simple things there should be simple solutions.  And I guess there is:
find some else to do it. I am serious that perhaps this is not such a
bad thing provided of course that there are enough people willing to
do this.

> Note that Sage is mostly *interpreted* so having extensive
> doctests is critical to maintain any possibility of sanity over time
> and with a large number of developers (512 people listed at
> http://trac.sagemath.org/ right now).

I am (or at least once was) one of these people registered trac but I
was never comfortable with the workflow and review process.  As a
system for reporting bugs and submitting patches it seemed OK but now
things seem more complicated.  It is a good thing that Sage has
attracted enough developers who are fluent in this process.

> I won't claim that Sage's
> doctests make Sage have "fewer errors or problems" than the other
> systems you use (they surely have their own approaches to testing).
> However, I absolutely claim -- and I'm sure anybody with nontrivial
> Sage development experience will agree -- that the Sage testing
> standards are critical to Sage having any chance of survival and
> usability at all.   It's entirely an internal issue.

OK. I don't doubt your sincerity but like a lot of things in software
development I find it hard to imagine how your claim could be
evaluated objectively.

> Please also note that Sage is mostly interpreted and not statically compiled 
> like
> some software, which further increases the need for extensive testing.
> Also, the testing in Sage serves an important dual purpose -- it makes
> it easier for people to actually use Sage -- instead of trying to read
> documentation and deduce via logic how to compute something, you
> have the option to try an example that does work, and adapt it to
> your problem.  In contrast, I just tried browsing the FRICAS api
> documentation [1], and couldn't find a single example.

That's true however this web site is only the result of one FriCAS
developers effort to make FriCAS documentation more accessible.  To
really learn to use FriCAS I think it is important to learn to use the
built-in FriCAS browser (hyperdoc) and of course to read the book.

> If I wanted to just play around a little to see how things work
> following [1], it would be incredibly difficult for me.

Sure but I still experience exactly the same feeling when I sit down
to try to do something in Sage.

> There are also many people who have contributed massively to Sage by
> working on porting, valgrinding, etc., who simply wouldn't have been
> able to contribute anything of value without the test suite existing.

I am certainly not arguing against the concept of testing or the
importance of a test suite.  My reaction was just in how it is treated
as an integral part of the sage-trac process.

> [1] http://fricas.github.io/api/genindex.html


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