Currently, evaluating a polynomial ring element on a symbolic expression 
returns a result in Horner form:

sage: pol = QQ['x'](range(10))
sage: pol(x)
((((((((9*x + 8)*x + 7)*x + 6)*x + 5)*x + 4)*x + 3)*x + 2)*x + 1)*x

This behavior is of course a side effect of the default generic 
evaluation algorithm, and I don't think that's the result users would 
expect. But it is also documented (well, somehow) as a feature, in the 
sense that calculus/ contains:

sage: # (YES) Convert the above to Horner's form.
sage: #      Verify(Horner(p, x), ((((a[5]*x+a[4])*x
sage: #        +a[3])*x+a[2])*x+a[1])*x);
sage: # We use the trick of evaluating the algebraic poly at a symbolic 
sage: restore('x')
sage: p(x)
((((a4*x + a3)*x + a2)*x + a1)*x + a0)*x

And afaik there is no other way to put a symbolic polynomial in Horner 

So, what do you think: is it okay to change this behavior?


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