On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Ursula Whitcher <whitc...@uwec.edu> wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 3:08 PM, Ursula Whitcher <whitc...@uwec.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> On 11/5/2014 8:24 AM, William Stein wrote:
>>>> * By "we write up" above, I mean you write up something very, very
>>>> rough, post it here, and get feedback.
>>> Done!
>>> http://people.uwec.edu/whitchua/notes/sagebugprocess.pdf
> Article at
> http://people.uwec.edu/whitchua/notes/sagebugprocess.pdf
> has been updated based on feedback.

Regarding "Automatic testing provides Sage with resilience and makes
it easier for multiple developers to contribute to different parts of
the code base.", I wonder if adding a number might be useful, to give
a sense of the scope of automated testing?     I guess there are "well
over 150,000" separate inputs that are regularly automatically tested,

/scratch/wstein/sage-6.4.rc1/src/sage$ grep -r "sage:" *.py */*.py
*/*/*.py */*/*/*.py */*/*/*/*.py|wc -l
grep: */*/*/*/*.py: No such file or directory

There's also maybe 5000+ (??) lines of examples in other documentation....

In addition, something we worked very very hard on was increasing the
percentage of functions that have tests in their docstring.

  /scratch/wstein/sage-6.4.rc1$ ./sage -coverageall

Overall weighted coverage score:  94.2%
Total number of functions:  37036
We need  304 more functions to get to 95% coverage.
We need 1786 more functions to get to 99% coverage.

Heh, wouldn't it be awesome to get to 95%?  We only need 304 more
functions to get doctests.

That said, I'm very happy to see that number solidly over 90%,
especially because this includes methods starting with underscores.


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William Stein
Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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