Right now: only implement __cmp__ following what is written in 
sage/structure/element.pyx, and not __eq__ and friends. You can play some 
tricks with the __richcmp__ hook but its probably best to stick to a single 
kind of comparison if you want your stuff to transition easily to python3.

On Sunday, October 26, 2014 9:57:49 AM UTC, Eric Gourgoulhon wrote:
> Hi, 
> When implementing some algebra element class, I faced the following issue: 
> the class inherits from sage.structure.element.CommutativeAlgebraElement 
> and I've implemented the __eq__() and __ne__() methods, but not  __cmp__() 
> because my algebra is not an ordered set. Everything works well (the test 
> suite for commutative algebras is passed by the parent), but if I construct 
> matrices from algebra elements f1,...,f4, via 
> a = matrix([[f1,f2], [f3,f4]])
> and compare them by a == b, the following error appears:
> NotImplementedError: BUG: sort algorithm for elements of 'algebra of 
> scalar fields on the 2-dimensional manifold 'M'' not implemented
> This is triggered by the lack of method __cmp__() in the algebra element 
> class. Adding such method via
>     def __cmp__(self, other):
>         if self.__eq__(other):
>             return 0
>         else:
>             return -1
> fixes the problem. 
> Hence the question: shall __cmp__() be always implemented in element 
> classes, even if the parent is not an ordered set ? If yes, what shall it 
> return when the two elements differ ? -1 as above ? Shall __eq__() be 
> implemented as well ?
> I've noticed that in line 919 of file src/sage/structure/element.pyx, it 
> is written;
>     # For a *Python* class just define __cmp__ as always.
> I've also noticed that in the example provided in the tutorial How to 
> implement new algebraic structures in Sage 
> <http://sagemath.org/doc/thematic_tutorials/coercion_and_categories.html>, 
> only __cmp__() is implemented, not __eq__(). 
> On the other side, __cmp__() has been withdrawn in Python 3 and only the 
> rich comparison methods, like __eq__(), remain.
> Thanks for your advice on this.
> Eric.

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