These links suggest "bridged" networking, with you should NOT do unless you 
are aware of the security implications. The VM uses "NAT" networking which 
makes it only accessible from the computer running the VM.

For development you can just ssh into the VM (again, only from the host 
running the VM by default)

On Thursday, August 28, 2014 4:59:51 AM UTC+1, Travis Scrimshaw wrote:
> Here's some idea about how to setup that connection (FTR I haven't tried 
> them):
> -
> - 
> So the VM would just have a simple command-line style interface which 
> tells the user what to do (and to exit out of Sage in order to use git and 
> recompile it's Sage for more dev minded people).
> Best,
> Travis
> On Wednesday, August 27, 2014 12:35:32 PM UTC-7, Volker Braun wrote:
>> On Wednesday, August 27, 2014 8:00:49 PM UTC+1, Travis Scrimshaw wrote:
>>> But running the VM surely has a speed penalty because it has to go 
>>>> through that big fat layer of the VM?
>> Virtual machines are extremely fast on somewhat-recent hardware due to 
>> hardware support. Using the gui inside the VM is somewhat slow since it has 
>> to go through the graphics emulation, but if you connect with the OS 
>> browser its probably difficult to notice any speed difference.
>> Of course the VM can't be much smaller than this if you want to be able 
>> to develop inside it:
>> $ du -sh Sage/
>> 5.2G Sage/

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