> As I understand it, the SageMathCloud is closed source. Yet it is 
> making extensive use of open-source code. Maybe the closed source bits 
> don't link to the open-source bits, though I find it a bit hard to 
> believe. If it did not link, it would not that be against the GPL? Or 
> I guess if the code is not distibuted, but only kept on a server, it 
> probably gets around the GPL. 
Correct.   Sage is not AGPL.


> If not against the GPL, this certainly seems to be going against the 
> *spirit* of the Sage project. It looks as though the intention is to 
> charge for access to a web service which makes use of open-source code 
> developed by many - myself included. 
> One might argue it is the same with any web service making use of 
> Apache for example, although I still think a closed-source 
> SageMathCloud is pushing the limits of what some (myself included), 
> find morally acceptable. 
I will purposely ignore the flamefest sure to follow any license discussion 
;-) but will just say that William has already BSD-licensed some of the 
code related to this, so it's not even now as bad as all that.  

My understanding is that long-term closing the source for the NoSQL-type 
database interactions is so that someone unconnected to Sage can't also 
charge for Sage-as-a-service (at least not without developing their own way 
of doing it); there may be other reasons (like raising funds for Sage 
development).   But William has committed several times to making a 
"personal use" version that wouldn't be scalable to thousands of users that 
uses an open-source license, once SMC is not quite as beta. 

So even for those of us who would prefer a different licensing scheme, I 
don't think the commitment to open source math has changed here, though I 
sympathize with your comments and voiced similar ones a couple years ago. 
 Naturally, there are those who would prefer all code be open, and others 
that all code be closed... but given that we have a project with many 
different opinions on the universality of it, and that Sage itself is not 
affected, probably this is as good of a compromise that one could get.

Now let the flamefest begin!  (Or, if we all are gentle to one another, let 
it NOT begin...)

- kcrisman

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