As I understand it, the SageMathCloud is closed source. Yet it is
making extensive use of open-source code. Maybe the closed source bits
don't link to the open-source bits, though I find it a bit hard to
believe. If it did not link, it would not that be against the GPL? Or
I guess if the code is not distibuted, but only kept on a server, it
probably gets around the GPL.

If not against the GPL, this certainly seems to be going against the
*spirit* of the Sage project. It looks as though the intention is to
charge for access to a web service which makes use of open-source code
developed by many - myself included.

One might argue it is the same with any web service making use of
Apache for example, although I still think a closed-source
SageMathCloud is pushing the limits of what some (myself included),
find morally acceptable.

The only comment on the Wikipedia talk page

says "Unfortunately, some part of it is becoming closed source. And,
they will charge for the many of the services..." I don't know who
wrote that, but it was not me.

Maybe it is legal. I don't think it is morally right.


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