By the way I improved this gtmp method since, so that it prepares a
commit message which makes the history clearer (at least to a human)

function gtmp
    cd ~/sage
    git checkout d
    rel="$(git log --oneline d ^d~1 | sed s/.*\ //g)"
    tn="$(echo "$1" | grep -o "[0-9]*")"
    echo "==========================="
    echo "trac #$tn: Merged with $rel"
    echo "==========================="
    git branch -D tmp
    git checkout -b tmp d &&
    git pull trac "$1"

Example :

~/sage$ gtmp u/ncohen/16347
Switched to branch 'd'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'trac/develop'.
trac #16347: Merged with 6.3.beta2
Deleted branch tmp (was 27f6c9a).
Switched to a new branch 'tmp'
 * branch            u/ncohen/16347 -> FETCH_HEAD

And then I copy/paste this commit message... As I found no easy way to
make it the default commit message :-)


On 31 May 2014 15:52, Nathann Cohen <> wrote:
>> There is nothing wrong with merges
>> * if you need them
>> * if the original branch is the first parent.
>> Doing it the wrong way makes the history more difficult to understand, and
>> we shouldn't teach or facilitate that antipattern.
> That's my question from last november :
> that's your answer from then :
> By the way, given that with this trick I can avoi recompiling Sage for
> hours, I still think that it is the right way to work.
> Nathann

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