Two comments:
 - Nathann is arguing that no empty methods/classes should be present.
Which means to me that he doesn t see the value of semantic information in
 - They are not building a database. They are putting tags in the code that
allow them at runtime to build something that amounts to a database. It's
not that different to the category framework in some way, which is encoding
a lot of data via code constructions (partially redundant work: cf
In any case, the way findstat does things, they have the potential to
construct a database. The point is that they allow me to reuse their work
to easily build my own database on top, that does something different.

I am not arguing that what findstat does with a decorator is the best. A
flagged decorator that does nothing most of the time is better than what
they do. But a full-on database is, as a short term solution, heading in
the wrong direction.

Paul-Olivier Dehaye
SNF Professor of Mathematics
University of Zurich
skype: lokami_lokami (preferred)
phone: +41 76 407 57 96
twitter: podehaye
freenode irc: pdehaye

On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 5:23 PM, Simon King <> wrote:

> Hi Christian,
> On 2014-05-28, Christian Stump <> wrote:
> > But how am I then convincing
> > someone knowing that information to add that information there?
> Ask him/her to put @combinatorial_map in front of the method in
> question. In other words, there should be no need to change the interface
> for those who contribute combinatorial maps. What should change is how this
> contribution is processed. It should not be the case that, as a result,
> the overhead of calling a method increases!
> What I (an Nathann?) am trying to convince y'all: @combinatorial_map
> should not wrap a method into some class instance that serves as a proxy
> to the method and holds additional information purely locally. Instead,
> @combinatorial_map should communicate with a (local) database before
> returning the method *unwrapped*. And then, there should additionally
> be tools to use the local database together with a global one.
> > What I
> > like about a local system (preferably accompanying the code of the
> > very method) is that it makes it easy for the person having
> > information about a specific map to provide that information.
> To give you a drastic picture: Imagine you work for a company and want
> to keep track who is your customer. You suggest to attach a little tag
> to each customer, stating that (s)he is "happy customer of FooBar ltd.". It
> will then be very easy to test if a given person is your customer: Just
> look for the tag. And when you want to have a list of your customers in
> a given town: Just do an exhaustive search in that twon and check each
> person's tag!
> But I somehow feel that having a database keeping track of your
> customers would be better. And I do believe that tagging a method as
> "combinatorial map" locally is the same as tagging your customers
> locally. So, the picture applies.
> > Of course, that information must be organized to be searchable
> > properly. But I don't see a problem there beside conventional namings.
> Hang on. Do you suggest to implicitly create a database that relies on
> naming schemes??
> I think one can not deny: What y'all do with the @combinatorial_map *is*
> in fact creating a database---at least implicitly---, whether you want
> it or not. But explicitly is better than implicitly, and one should not
> re-invent the wheel. So...
> Best regards,
> Simon
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