On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 7:20 PM, Zimmermann Paul
<paul.zimmerm...@inria.fr> wrote:
>        William,
> thank you for putting me in cc.
>> From: William Stein <wst...@gmail.com>
>> Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 06:01:29 -0800
>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 4:55 AM,  <ref...@uncg.edu> wrote:
>> > Ah, I see what you mean.  If that's the case then I understand.  How does
>> > one find out if this is true?
>> 1. It is *NOT* true.    Sage just directly calls the PARI C library,
>> which is always loaded on startup of Sage.
>> 2. Thanks for clarifying your original question. It's surprising that
>> MPFR is a full *order of magnitude* slower than PARI at computing
>> gamma on real input.    It's pretty likely that when the line of code
>> in question was written (prob in 2005 or 2006) this speed difference
>> wasn't the case.  I've cc'd Paul Zimmerman (author of MPFR) in case he
>> has any comments about this:
>> a = RealField(1000)(pi^2)
>> b = ComplexField(1000)(pi^2)
>> %timeit a.gamma() # SLOW -- uses mpfr --  "mpfr_gamma(x.value,
>> self.value, (<RealField_class>self._parent).rnd)"
>> %timeit b.gamma() # FAST -- uses pari --
>> "sage.libs.pari.all.pari.complex(self.real()._pari_(),
>> self.imag()._pari_())"
>> Maybe we should switch to PARI for this.    At the least, you could add
>>    a.gamma(algorithm='pari')
>> and at some point make that the default...
>>  -- William
> indeed mpfr_gamma is slow for input pi^2 at 1000 bits. I've investigated a bit
> and with the following patch (with respect to the svn version of MPFR) I can
> gain about 60%, i.e., the time decreases from about 2.9s on my computer to
> about 1.8s for 1000 computations of gamma(pi^2) at 1000 bits. This is still
> slower than Pari (which takes 506 us per loop).
> We could still save some time by caching the Bernoulli numbers (which take
> 0.8s in the above 1.8s), but that would still be slower than Pari. Maybe the
> algorithm used by Pari is better...

Tuning of the Stirling series is discussed briefly in my paper

If you cache Bernoulli numbers, it becomes much faster to use a
smaller argument reduction z -> z+k. My code uses k ~= 0.27*p where p
is the precision in bits.


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