On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 2:33 AM, Frédéric Chapoton <fchapot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have made a pull request at https://github.com/robertwb/sage-patchbot
> I am not sure whether I have done the right changes in the sources of the
> patchbot. I guess it is now up to Robert to give his opinion.

+1, thanks!

It's live, but you'll need to go to a closed ticket of yours and add
?force to the url (something like
http://patchbot.sagemath.org/ticket/13657/?force ) so it picks up the
'resolution' field even though the page didn't change. (I'll run a
script to update all tickets, but it can't happen too fast or I get
rate-limited and it hurts performance of trac.)

If people have other ideas of ways to get a list of trusted users, I'm
all ears. (The current system, if it's not clear, is to whitelist
folks whose code has been positively reviewed and is in Sage) Of
course anyone running their own patchbot can accept all trac accounts,
an explicit whitelist, or whatever but this seemed a decent default.

> Le jeudi 12 septembre 2013 14:17:45 UTC+2, Frédéric Chapoton a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> it seems (the patchbot has told me) that I am not a default trusted user.
>> That must be the reason why the patchbot dos not look at my patches.
>> I feel a bit sad  :(   Not so long ago, the patchbot was working on my
>> patches very often.
>> If this is not a deliberate banishment (I hope not, I have not misbehaved,
>> unless I was too active), could someone please put me back in the list of
>> white sheeps ?
>> Cheers,
>> Frederic (user: chapoton)
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