Addendum: re the "last paragraph" (which begins with "Now, here's one 
thing"), it's not just m and loads(dumps(m)) that have different types, but 
also the factories that produce them. That certainly explains why m is not 
loads(dumps(m)), but isn't it a bug in the doctesting?

On Sunday, April 21, 2013 5:24:21 PM UTC-5, Rob H. wrote:
> Hi,
> (To begin, I'm running the following on sage 5.7 on Mac OS X 10.6.8). 
> (Also, maybe this is related to 
> I'm trying to write some documentation for some code I've written and am 
> having trouble testing the pickling. My classes inherit from Module (and 
> the element classes inherit from ModuleElement) and they have associated 
> UniqueFactory objects that construct them. Without defining any __reduce__ 
> or __cmp__ methods for the parents, some of the pickling works and some of 
> it doesn't. Here's what I mean.
> I have a class, let's call it M with factory MFactory such that I get the 
> following in an instance of sage:
> sage: m = MFactory(whatever)
> sage: loads(dumps(m)) is m
> True
> Which would lead me to believe pickling works. However, if I add those 
> lines into a doctest, that doctest fails (and it fails with '==' instead of 
> 'is', as well). Similarly:
> sage: TestSuite(m).run()
> is fine, but if I put that in a doctest, it fails because the pickling 
> test fails.
> Also:
> sage: save(m, 'm.obj')
> sage: m2 = load('m.obj')
> sage: m2 is m
> True
> This works (and I can even restart sage and the load statement works and 
> seems to give back the same object). But again, fails in the doctest.
> Now, one thing I did was write a separate function:
> def TESTER():
>     from sage.structure.sage_object import loads, dumps
>     m = MFactory(whatever)
>     return loads(dumps(m)) is m
> And added the following to a doctest:
> sage: TESTER()
> True
> And that worked!
> So, picklng the class in sage or in a function called from a doctest both 
> work, as well as running the TestSuite in sage, but doctesting directly or 
> using TestSuite in a doctest both don't work. So, it seems like the 
> doctests fail even though if anyone were to use this class in anything then 
> it would always work. I have another class that I've written for which all 
> this stuff does work, including the doctests.
> Now, here's one thing that I've noticed which is that the difference 
> between m and loads(dumps(m)) seems to be that they are not of the same 
> class. The latter is of the type I would expect whereas m is of type 
> "filename_somenumbers_orig.M". This is why I think this may be relate to 
> .
> Does anyone know what's going on?
> Thanks!
> Rob

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