On 2013-04-11, Jason B. Hill <ja...@jasonbhill.com> wrote:
> --e89a8f64674d73946104da0e3a61
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>> no, no, that's not what you want to do, certainly. A much more efficient
>> way
>> is to compute a strong generating set w.r.t. a "canonical" minimal base.
> data into a canonical form of a permutation group.
> There is no "canonical" minimal base, unless one specifies the group action
> to such an extent that most permutation group representations are excluded.
> Seriously, if you need some sort of canonical form for permutation groups,
> you must restrict to primitive actions. In the real world, this just isn't
> a sensible approach. Each abstract group has infinitely many permutation
> group representations. ONLY the primitive representations are currently
> classified in any detail below a given degree, and as such those are the
> only canonical representations that would even be available.

perhaps a more sensible idea for a canonical form would be via
centralizer algebras. Centralizer algebras are easy to construct, and
checking that two of them are isomorphic is indeed a kind of coloured
graph isomorphism, except that the size of objects has a much nicer
dependence on the group order --- if we talk about transitive
permutation groups, at least.
In most cases you will have a suborbit on which the point stabilizer
acts faithfully, so this provides you some sort of reduction.
The full permutation group isomorphism test is still not there,
but this looks like a good way to limit the possible choices.


> Jaosn

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