It may be relevant to look at the canonical labelling used for Galois
grousp (see for example and click on
the word "label").


On 10 April 2013 14:19, Nicolas M. Thiery <> wrote:
>         Hi Christian,
> On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 07:59:49AM -0500, Christian Stump wrote:
>> I wonder if there is a way to get a canonical form of a subgroup of a
>> permutation group (or, even better, any group). This would be
>> something like a method "canonical_labeling" for permutation groups
>> that returns an isomorphic permutation group, and such that two groups
>> are isomorphic if and only if their "canonical labellings" coincide.
>> I don't think anything like that is currently implemented, right?
> Not that I know of. I would suggest to ask on the GAP mailing list if
> something like this is implemented in GAP.
>> A "natural" implementation would be to compute the multiplication
>> table of the group, apply the canonical form algorithm from graphs (by
>> simultaneous row and column permutations of the multiplication table),
>> obtain a canoncial form of the multiplication table, and turn this
>> data into a canonical form of a permutation group.
> You need to act not only on rows and columns but also on the values in
> the table, don't you?
> That being said, it should indeed be possible to handle this problem
> by encoding the product as a ternary relation (a,b,ab), and encoding
> the ternary relation itself using a graph. Something like:
> Vertices: elements a of G, and pairs (a,b) of elements of G
> Edges:  a -> (a,b) with edge label "left"
>         b -> (a,b) with edge label "right"
>         (a,b) -> ab with edge label "result"
> Loops:  (a,b) -> (a,b)
> The loops are just here to distinguish the two kinds of vertices; one
> could instead specify a vertex bipartition to the canonical labeling
> function.
> Note that the above would work for any semigroup or even magma. But
> one could hope for something vastly more efficient for groups.
> Cheers,
>                                 Nicolas
> --
> Nicolas M. ThiƩry "Isil" <>
> --
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