Hi Nils!

On 2012-12-29, Nils Bruin <nbr...@sfu.ca> wrote:
> Good progress thanks to #13864 . After solving the ZODB issue I'm now
> running into the following (this is just one example, the same issue
> arises in many cases):
> sage: sage.homology.chain_complex.HomologyGroup(100)
> ERROR (at getWritePointer in /usr/local/sage/5.6b1/local/include/
> linbox/matrix/permutation-matrix.h:175):
> Precondition not met:P_.size()
> terminate called after throwing an instance of
> 'LinBox::PreconditionFailed'

Confirmed (on my openSuse laptop). at least with MALLOC_CHECK_=3.


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