On Thu, 01 Sep 2011 at 12:28AM -0700, leif wrote:
> For symmetrica, '-lm' has to be moved, but there's actually already a
> new spkg which removes the test executable completely, and thereby
> also the (need for the) '-lm'; see .
> The problem with Singular is the order of '-ldl' and '-lkernel'; the
> latter uses the former, so the order has to be flipped. Haven't yet
> checked whether this is already fixed in a *current* upstream release
> (we're still at 3-1-1-4, upstream is 3-1-3 IIRC). Hopefully Sage's
> version will be upgraded during Sage/Singular Days (SD34) at the end
> of this month.
> An ugly work-around is to set LDFLAGS='ldl'

I can confirm that by using the LDFLAGS workaround and fiddling with the
Symmetrica makefile, both spkgs compile, and the resulting Sage build
passes all tests on my Oneiric VM.


---  Dan Drake
-----  http://mathsci.kaist.ac.kr/~drake

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