After building Sage the amount of filespace used is (as we all know)
rather large.  I was just checking a 4.7 install, which is not used
for any development pusposes, and is on a machine which I use but do
not own, and where I was just told that the filespace was getting
short, and found that the SAGE_ROOT was taking up 15GB of which 5.5GB
is in devel and 8.4GB in local.  Moreover, in devel I find:

masgaj@hpclogin1%cd devel/
masgaj@hpclogin1%du -sh *
256K    old
256K    sage
3.1G    sage-main
256K    sagenb
2.4G    sagenb-main
masgaj@hpclogin1%ls sagenb-main/
build  go  README.txt         sagenb           sass
  setup.cfg  spkg-dist
dist   Makefile  PKG-INFO     release_notes.txt  sagenb.egg-info
sdist   SPKG.txt
masgaj@hpclogin1%ls sage-main/
build   c_lib  export     module_list.pyc  pull
sage      spkg-dist
bundle  doc    install  PKG-INFO         README.txt
sage-push  spkg-delauto  spkg-install

Can anyone say just why sagenb-main is almost as large as sage-main
itself?  And is there a simple way (I looked for a command line option
but could not see one) of stripping down a Sage build so it is still
fully functional, including all the include files and shared libraries
under local/ (which I use for building other stuff) but which takes up
rather less than 15GB?


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