On Jul 27, 1:56 pm, Burcin Erocal <bur...@erocal.org> wrote:
> sage: from sage.misc.citation import get_systems
> sage: get_systems("integrate(cos(x^2), x)")
> ['MPFI', 'ginac', 'GMP', 'Maxima']

And it's fun!  I have just one publication using Sage, and running
get_systems on my main function returns:

['MPFI', 'Singular', 'MPFR', 'ginac', 'GMP', 'Maxima']

I'd *love* to put this data in some web form.

Seeing such a long list (which is not alphabetized) does make me
wonder "how much" each one was used though . . .  This might be
measured by number of function calls, or total time for function
calls.  Both ways of measuring (or any combination thereof) certainly
have shortcomings, and I think there are some fair reasons not to
include any such measurement at all in a citation list.  But seeing
the list does make me *so* curious!


p.s.  As far as I can see, the ordering of the systems has no
particular meaning -- they're keys in a dictionary.

p.p.s.  This "systems" dictionary could easily fall out of date . . .

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