> > My suggestions for improvements would be:
> > Consolidate the forum. It is the main communication platform of the
> > project (together with the trac system). It might be a good idea to
> > reduce to maybe 3 google groups (Devel, Support, Users). One thing
> > that bogs me is that in the current groups there are lists with no new
> > postings for long time, and then there are other lists where postings
> > fall "off the radar" very quickly, because there is much traffic and
> > the listing on the front page is rather short. I don't know if this
> > debatable at all, but there are other and more flexible forum/mailing
> > list packages out there, which give more possibilities with user
> > interaction (like attachements).
> Deleting other forums might alienate the people that lobbied for their
> creation, and who do use them, so closing the other forums is not
> going to happen.

+1 also for those of us who don't want to wade through traffic in
disciplines somewhat far from our expertise.

> > Since it was said that sage needs more people with engineering
> > background:
> > I think a cool thing would be a forum for users, where they can
> > present their work with sage and also interact and work together on a
> > project. Something like Wolfram Demonstration project, but even more
> > community driven. So to say: give people the space to be an expert
> > user of sage and be a respected member of the community without being
> > a top notch programmer at sage-devel.
> That is a good idea.  Why don't you research open source web apps that
> could provide something like that?  I better there is something ready
> made, just likehttp://ask.sagemath.orgwas pretty much ready made.  I
> would be happy to provide the hardware resources to host something.

Making the interacts doable without logging in (on the docket, I know)
and then making the interact library MUCH more extensive than #9623
will make them (please review!  I just need a review of a reviewer
patch!) will essentially give us a Demonstrations-like thing.  It
might even be useful to have a server which only served low-load
interacts, interact.sagenb.org or something... for Mma Demos I think
you need both Player and to download the interact, as opposed to a
Geogebra applet one can just put in a webpage (which would also be
nice, but probably not practical for Sage).

Also, there definitely *is* space for such people at Sage, and there
are quite a few; however, many of them fill that role without posting
much on sage-devel.  sage-support and sage-edu have many such
contributors.  Most people I've met on the pedagogical side who use
Sage *use* it, and are glad they don't have to know much programming
to do so.

- kcrisman

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