Hi Robert,

On 28 Dez., 23:41, Robert Bradshaw <rober...@math.washington.edu>
> > According to your post, it should be "A group action G x S rightarrow
> > S is a functor from G (considered as a category) to the category of
> > Morphisms of Sets", and in the code it should be
> > Functor.__init__(self, Groupoid(G), S.category().hom_category()).
> Not quite. It is G considered as a category where the elements of G
> are the morphisms and there only one object, so it is actually a
> functor to the categories of sets.

I see. But is that category actually implemented in Sage? Apparently
it is not Groupoid(G) (as one might expect from the code snippet
  sage: G = SymmetricGroup(5)
  sage: C = Groupoid(G)
  sage: G.random_element() in C.hom_category()

Shouldn't the last line return "True"?

I'd like to provide both the categorical approach towards actions and
the other approach: It would be up to the user what approach to use
for a new action, and there should be a way to consider any action
both as a functor and as a map, regardless how it was defined (see my
post on sage-algebra).

But before that is possible, it seems that one needs to provide a
proper HomCategory for groupoids with a __contains__ method that
relies on containment in the underlying set.


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