Hi folks,

We're releasing Sage 4.5.2.  Many thanks to everyone for their
contributions, including numerous patches, packages, reviews,
troubleshooting, emails & posts, and build & test reports!

Source archive:


Upgrade path:


Binaries for sage and t2.math are available at


Full release notes:

Sage 4.5.2 was released on 7 August 2010. It is available at


* About Sage (http://www.sagemath.org)

Sage is developed by volunteers and combines over 90 open source packages.
It is available for download from www.sagemath.org and its mirrors in
source or binary form. If you have any questions and/or problems,
please report them to any of these Google groups:

  * sage-support: http://groups.google.com/group/sage-support
  * sage-devel: http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel

You can also drop by in #sage-devel on freenode. Please report build and
doctest results to the Google group

  * sage-release: http://groups.google.com/group/sage-release

You are invited to update the build farm wiki page

  * http://wiki.sagemath.org/devel/BuildFarm

with results of builds and doctests.

The following 83 people contributed to this release. Of those, 15 made
their first contribution to Sage:

  * Adam Webb
  * Alex Ghitza
  * Alexandre Blondin Massé
  * Alyson Deines
  * Andrey Novoseltsev
  * Anna Haensch [first contribution]
  * Anne Schilling
  * Armin Straub [first contribution]
  * Brant Jones
  * Burcin Erocal
  * Carl Witty
  * Chris Hall [first contribution]
  * Chris Wuthrich
  * Clément Pernet
  * Craig Citro
  * Dan Christensen
  * Dan Drake
  * Daniel Bump
  * David Harvey
  * David Kirkby
  * David Loeffler
  * David Roe
  * Eric Webster [first contribution]
  * Erin Beyerstedt [first contribution]
  * Florent Hivert
  * Francis Clarke
  * Franco Saliola
  * Fredrik Johansson
  * Georg S. Weber
  * Harald Schilly
  * Håkan Granath
  * Jamie Weigandt [first contribution]
  * Jason Bandlow
  * Jason Grout
  * Jeremy West [first contribution]
  * Jeroen Demeyer [first contribution]
  * Jim Stankewicz
  * John Cremona
  * John Palmieri
  * Justin Walker
  * Karl-Dieter Crisman
  * Kwankyu Lee
  * Leif Leonhardy
  * Leonardo Sampaio [first contribution]
  * Lloyd Kilford
  * Luis Felipe Tabera Alonso
  * Marco Streng [first contribution]
  * Mariah Lenox
  * Mark Jordan
  * Marshall Hampton
  * Martin Albrecht
  * Michael Schneider [first contribution]
  * Miguel Marco [first contribution]
  * Mike Hansen
  * Minh Van Nguyen
  * Mitesh Patel
  * Nathann Cohen
  * Nicolas M. Thiéry
  * Nils Bruin
  * Ondrej Certik
  * Oscar Gerardo Lazo Arjona
  * Paul Zimmermann
  * Radoslav Kirov
  * Richard Lindner [first contribution]
  * Rishikesh
  * Rob Beezer
  * Robert Bradshaw
  * Robert Mařík
  * Robert Miller
  * Ross Kyprianou
  * Sebastian Pancratz
  * Simon King
  * Steve Pon
  * Sébastien Labbé
  * Thierry de Montgolfier [first contribution]
  * Thomas Lam [first contribution]
  * Tim Dumol
  * Tom Boothby
  * Vincent Delecroix
  * Volker Braun
  * Willem Jan Palenstijn
  * William Stein
  * Yann Laigle-Chapuy

* Release managers

  * Dan Drake
  * Mitesh Patel

* Bug statistics

We closed 159 tickets. For details see


or check out the closed ticket section at the end of this

* Doctesting coverage

  * Overall weighted coverage score:  83.8%  (82.7% for 4.5.1)
  * Total number of functions:        26139  (25764 for 4.5.1)

* Closed tickets

#8489: Nicolas M. Thiéry: New `sageexample` environment for sagetex
#8667: Simon King: New version of modular group cohomology spkg

Merged in sagenb:

#8369: Mitesh Patel: Mistake in text on data file upload page [Reviewed
by Robert Mařík; merged in sagenb-0.8]
#9554: Leif Leonhardy: Doctest failure in SageNB's sageinspect.py with
#8988 [Reviewed by Volker Braun; merged in sagenb-0.8.2]
#9580: Tim Dumol: Check in, ignore, or delete sagenb.po in SageNB
package [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel; merged in sagenb-0.8.2]

Merged in sage-4.5.2.alpha0:

#1396: Simon King: Ideal.groebner_basis should accept keyword arguments
for strategy parameters [Reviewed by Martin Albrecht]
#5467: Andrey Novoseltsev: The sage/macaulay2 interface doesn't work at
all on large input [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
#6409: Mark Jordan: srange inconsistent when including endpoints
[Reviewed by Luis Felipe Tabera Alonso]
#6449: David Loeffler: Additive abelian groups [Reviewed by John
Cremona, Jim Stankewicz]
#6904: Clément Pernet: change ring broken over QQ and GF(2) [Reviewed by
William Stein]
#6922: Kwankyu Lee: Matrix term ordering [Reviewed by Martin Albrecht]
#7859: Håkan Granath: bug in QQbar (easy to fix!) [Reviewed by Robert
#7889: Oscar Gerardo Lazo Arjona: revolution plot [Reviewed by
Karl-Dieter Crisman, Jason Grout, Marshall Hampton, John Palmieri]
#7897: Andrey Novoseltsev: Macaulay2 interface update/improvement for
version 1.3.1 [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
#7915: Andrey Novoseltsev: Improve TAB-completion in Macaulay2 [Reviewed
by Mike Hansen]
#7930: Chris Wuthrich: strange bug for elliptic curves over number
fields [Reviewed by John Cremona]
#8173: Martin Albrecht: segfault in singular resultant [Reviewed by Paul
#8410: William Stein: Improve robustness of @parallel [Reviewed by Tom
#8535: Robert Bradshaw: Various interval field improvements [Reviewed by
Jason Grout]
#8562: Nicolas M. Thiéry: Categories for IntegerMod rings [Reviewed by
John Palmieri, Rob Beezer]
#8564: Ondrej Certik: fix atan2() conversions between Sage and SymPy
[Reviewed by Burcin Erocal, Karl-Dieter Crisman]
#8604: Sébastien Labbé: Add a class for factor-enumerable words
[Reviewed by Alexandre Blondin Massé]
#8810: Steve Pon, Anne Schilling,  Nicolas M. Thiéry: Implementation of
Stanley symmetric functions [Reviewed by Nicolas M. Thiéry, Thomas Lam]
#8909: Simon King: Coercion from Gap to cyclotomic fields; usage of GAP
to improve computation of invariant rings [Reviewed by David Loeffler,
Mike Hansen]
#8942: Karl-Dieter Crisman: failing calculation with limit [Reviewed by
Paul Zimmermann]
#8947: Jason Grout: pretty printing of vectors over callable symbolic
rings [Reviewed by Rob Beezer]
#8953: Nathann Cohen: Perfect graph recognition algorithm [Reviewed by
Robert Miller]
#8963: Dan Christensen: Make tableau row_stabilizer return group of
perms involving all elements of the tableau [Reviewed by Franco Saliola]
#8967: Francis Clarke: Make extensions of general rings work in the same
way as they do for number fields [Reviewed by Marco Streng]
#8970: David Loeffler: conversion of integer mods to Gap [Reviewed by
Robert Miller]
#8974: Miguel Marco: Added eigenvalues, eigenvector, eigenspaces and
minpoly to vector space endomorphisms [Reviewed by David Loeffler]
#8984: Brant Jones: Implementation of the Lenart--Postnikov alcove path
crystal [Reviewed by Anne Schilling]
#8986: Andrey Novoseltsev: Add support for convex rational polyhedral
cones [Reviewed by Volker Braun]
#8987: Andrey Novoseltsev: Add support for rational polyhedral fans
[Reviewed by Volker Braun]
#8988: Andrey Novoseltsev: Add support for toric varieties [Reviewed by
Volker Braun]
#8989: Andrey Novoseltsev: Add support for Fano toric varieties
[Reviewed by Volker Braun]
#9012: Martin Albrecht: singular_decomposition fails on non-interreduced
Gröbner basis [Reviewed by Simon King]
#9051: Robert Bradshaw, David Roe, William Stein: Fast function field
arithmetic [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw, William Stein]
#9062: Andrey Novoseltsev: Add support for toric lattices [Reviewed by
Volker Braun]
#9069: Chris Hall: weak popov form [Reviewed by John Cremona]
#9087: John Cremona: implement supersingular/ordinary testing for
elliptic curves over finite fields [Reviewed by Chris Wuthrich]
#9088: Jason Grout: line3d does not take a tuple of points [Reviewed by
Karl-Dieter Crisman]
#9110: David Harvey: wrong documentation in
EllipticCurve.change_weierstrass_model() [Reviewed by Chris Wuthrich]
#9111: Nathann Cohen, Thierry de Montgolfier: modular decomposition
[Reviewed by Robert Miller]
#9112: Eric Webster: adding maximum entry option to
SemistandardTableaux() [Reviewed by Jason Bandlow]
#9114: Simon King: Improve documentation of infinite polynomial rings
[Reviewed by David Loeffler]
#9141: Jason Grout: find cospectral graphs [Reviewed by Nathann Cohen]
#9184: Robert Bradshaw: Gamma function for intervals [Reviewed by
Fredrik Johansson]
#9188: Volker Braun: lattice_polytope.facet_normal bug with polytopes of
less that full dimension [Reviewed by Andrey Novoseltsev]
#9205: David Loeffler: Discrete logs to composite bases [Reviewed by
John Cremona]
#9206: William Stein: faster finite field creation with proof=False,
done right (via proof architecture) [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw]
#9207: Martin Albrecht: random_element does not work for
BooleanPolynomialRing of degree 1 or 2 [Reviewed by Mariah Lenox]
#9212: Jason Grout: top-level identity_matrix and zero_matrix functions
should return mutable matrices [Reviewed by Rob Beezer]
#9215: Sébastien Labbé: Bring doc coverage of plot/animate.py to 100%
[Reviewed by Franco Saliola]
#9216: Sébastien Labbé: Bring doc coverage of groups/group.pyx to 100%
[Reviewed by Franco Saliola]
#9218: William Stein, Minh Van Nguyen: add a finance chapter to the sage
reference manual [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen, Karl-Dieter Crisman]
#9219: William Stein: add a statistics chapter to the sage reference
manual [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman]
#9231: Marshall Hampton: bring tachyon interface code to 100% coverage
[Reviewed by Robert Miller]
#9234: Sébastien Labbé: Bring doc coverage of plot/plot3d/texture.py to
100% [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman, John Palmieri]
#9236: Sébastien Labbé: Bring doc coverage of misc/sage_timeit.py to
100% [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen, Dan Drake]
#9239: Florent Hivert: delete the (ridiculous) method __copy__ from
matrix0.pyx [Reviewed by William Stein]
#9244: David Loeffler: Number field class group improvements [Reviewed
by Francis Clarke, John Cremona, Jim Stankewicz]
#9245: Volker Braun: Add library of toric varieties [Reviewed by Andrey
#9246: Minh Van Nguyen: explain the definition of characteristic
polynomial for graphs [Reviewed by Nathann Cohen]
#9250: Anne Schilling: Bug in crystal code [Reviewed by Daniel Bump]
#9256: Florent Hivert: Put Set in the category Sets() [Reviewed by John
#9257: Robert Bradshaw: remove misc/darcs.py in Sage 5.0 [Reviewed by
Robert Miller]
#9258: Mike Hansen: problem with converting FriCAS domains to Sage
objects [Reviewed by Adam Webb]
#9259: Florent Hivert: Wrong markup on the documentation of
CombinatorialClass.map [Reviewed by Nicolas M. Thiéry]
#9266: Chris Wuthrich: bug in global_integral_model for Elliptic Curves
over Number Fields [Reviewed by John Cremona]
#9267: Jason Bandlow: Update the charge statistic on words [Reviewed by
Franco Saliola]
#9270: John Palmieri: document the "-only-optional" flag for doctesting
[Reviewed by Robert Miller]
#9271: John Palmieri: fix the "optional: needs CHomP" tags in
sage/homology, etc. [Reviewed by Robert Miller]
#9287: Chris Wuthrich: improving doctest coverage for elliptic curves
[Reviewed by John Cremona]
#9302: Robert Bradshaw: Heegner point_exact is wrong for 5077a with
discriminant -7 [Reviewed by William Stein]
#9313: David Loeffler: delete padic_height.py [Reviewed by Jamie Weigandt]
#9317: Alyson Deines,  Radoslav Kirov: prime_to_S_part, is_S_unit,
is_S_integral [Reviewed by Anna Haensch, Erin Beyerstedt]
#9318: Martin Albrecht: Fix S-Box CNF generation for non permutations
[Reviewed by Yann Laigle-Chapuy]
#9324: John Cremona: bug in Tate's algorithm over number fields
[Reviewed by Robert Miller]
#9336: David Loeffler: Improve doctest coverage for
sage/rings/number_field [Reviewed by John Cremona, Francis Clarke]
#9342: Lloyd Kilford, Alyson Deines, Jeremy West: rank method for
elliptic curves over number fields [Reviewed by David Loeffler]
#9344: Luis Felipe Tabera Alonso: matrix constructor does not honor
nrows if given a method to generate the entries [Reviewed by David Loeffler]
#9355: Anna Haensch: 100% coverage for quadratic_forms [Reviewed by
David Loeffler]
#9357: Luis Felipe Tabera Alonso: Unhandled SIGFPE: in
number_field_element_quadratic [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw]
#9364: Yann Laigle-Chapuy: add is_symmetric in BooleanFunction [Reviewed
by Martin Albrecht]
#9366: Yann Laigle-Chapuy: fix SBox __init__ [Reviewed by Martin Albrecht]
#9372: John Cremona: implement regulator function for elliptic curves
over number fields [Reviewed by David Loeffler, Robert Bradshaw]
#9373: Minh Van Nguyen: some overhaul in organization of database of
common graph generators [Reviewed by Nathann Cohen]
#9375: Minh Van Nguyen: more documentation & doctests for
BalancedTree, BarbellGraph, BubbleSortGraph, BullGraph, ChvatalGraph
[Reviewed by Nathann Cohen]
#9376: Robert Miller: non-QQ base rings in modular symbols [Reviewed by
John Cremona]
#9387: Justin Walker: Add tamagawa_numbers method for elliptic curves
over number fields [Reviewed by David Loeffler]
#9425: Georg S. Weber: bug in kernel_on() in "matrix2.pyx" [Reviewed by
William Stein]
#9438: Simon King: IntegerMod_int.log has side-effect in Pari [Reviewed
by David Loeffler]
#9441: John Cremona: Atkin-Lehner operators for Cremona modular symbols
[Reviewed by Robert Miller]
#9450: Jeroen Demeyer: Implement a factor() function for
NumberFieldElement [Reviewed by John Cremona, Mike Hansen]
#9485: Nicolas M. Thiéry: strongly_connected_components_digraph's had no
edges [Reviewed by Nathann Cohen]
#9496: Richard Lindner, Michael Schneider: Crypto lattice basis
generator [Reviewed by Martin Albrecht, Richard Lindner]
#9499: Martin Albrecht: recovery gracefully from libsingular errors
[Reviewed by William Stein]
#9500: William Stein: implement inversion of elements in a (more)
general quotient ring [Reviewed by Martin Albrecht]
#9509: Robert Miller: graphs() should give you graphs [Reviewed by
Vincent Delecroix]
#9514: Carl Witty: sage/symbolic/random_tests.py wrongly depends on
order of dict.values() [Reviewed by Andrey Novoseltsev]
#9532: Carl Witty: fix uncontrolled randomness in sage/graphs [Reviewed
by Robert Miller]
#9537: William Stein: trial_division in Sage is really slow [Reviewed by
Sebastian Pancratz]

Merged in sage-4.5.2.alpha1:

#2119: Mike Hansen: matlab matrix conversion issue [Reviewed by Ross
#3342: Willem Jan Palenstijn: bizarre source code introspection output
[Reviewed by John Palmieri]
#5396: Rishikesh, Yann Laigle-Chapuy: Wrapping lcalc library [Reviewed
by John Cremona, David Kirkby, Alex Ghitza]
#6186: Craig Citro: two probably-easy-to-fix scope bugs [Reviewed by
Carl Witty]
#8156: Paul Zimmermann, Mitesh Patel: new function readdata [Reviewed by
Tim Dumol, John Palmieri, Paul Zimmermann]
#8413: Florent Hivert: Add "Unknown" truth value [Reviewed by Robert
#8641: Dan Drake, John Palmieri, Mitesh Patel: "sage -t" should exit
with nonzero exit code if doctests fail [Reviewed by Willem Jan Palenstijn]
#8976: Leif Leonhardy: squarefree_part() fails on Python types [Reviewed
by Robert Miller]
#8993: Simon King: Representation of polynomial quotient rings in
Singular [Reviewed by Martin Albrecht]
#9002: Karl-Dieter Crisman: Noise on PPC Mac in parametric_surface.pyx
[Reviewed by David Kirkby]
#9027: Rob Beezer: Explain Sage and tex interactions in the tutorial
[Reviewed by John Palmieri]
#9066: Karl-Dieter Crisman: Improve documentation in shapes2.py
[Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen]
#9083: Dan Drake, John Palmieri: 'make distclean' fails to remove some
files or directories. [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel]
#9222: Alex Ghitza: improve doctest coverage of databases/conway.py
[Reviewed by David Loeffler]
#9223: Alex Ghitza, John Cremona: improve doctest coverage of
databases/cremona.py [Reviewed by John Cremona, Alex Ghitza]
#9242: David Loeffler: Add docstrings and tests for
sage/rings/ideal_monoid.py [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza]
#9243: Dan Drake, Willem Jan Palenstijn: sage-doctest should use powers
of 2 for return codes [Reviewed by Willem Jan Palenstijn, Mitesh Patel]
#9251: Florent Hivert: Lazy attribute does not properly handles the doc
of Cython methods [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw]
#9278: Alex Ghitza: remove databases/kohel.py since it is not used and
broken [Reviewed by Robert Miller]
#9279: Alex Ghitza: remove databases/tables.py since superseded by newer
code [Reviewed by Robert Miller]
#9316: Willem Jan Palenstijn: Spurious (?) "# File not found" error at
end of doctests [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel]
#9377: Kwankyu Lee: unable to coerce matrix over finite field into magma
[Reviewed by Mariah Lenox]
#9384: Erin Beyerstedt, Jeremy West: descend_to method for elliptic
curves [Reviewed by Alyson Deines]
#9398: Nils Bruin: Sage meddles with soft rlimits [Reviewed by William
#9403: Jeremy West: preimage method in NumberFieldHomomorphism_im_gens
[Reviewed by Alyson Deines]
#9456: John Palmieri: zlib should be a prerequisite for libpng [Reviewed
by David Kirkby]
#9462: Willem Jan Palenstijn: warning in matrix_modn_dense.pyx [Reviewed
by John Palmieri]
#9501: William Stein: Make an @fork decorator [Reviewed by Martin Albrecht]
#9527: William Stein: improve "sage -sh" prompt so it doesn't confuse
everybody [Reviewed by Martin Albrecht]
#9561: Karl-Dieter Crisman: Docbuild warnings caused by #9219 [Reviewed
by John Palmieri]
#9565: Sebastian Pancratz: One-line improvement for #9537 [Reviewed by
Martin Albrecht, Carl Witty]
#9566: Fredrik Johansson: Allow sage.libs.mpmath.call(...,
parent=something) [Reviewed by Harald Schilly]
#9570: Nathann Cohen, Leonardo Sampaio: Wrong LP solver ordering
[Reviewed by Nathann Cohen, Leonardo Sampaio]
#9571: Nathann Cohen: Sphinx Warning: Missing title for
sage.misc.exceptions after #9249 [Reviewed by John Palmieri]
#9572: Mitesh Patel: SageNB 0.8.2 [Reviewed by Carl Witty]
#9573: Andrey Novoseltsev: Error building the PDF reference manual
[Reviewed by John Palmieri]
#9574: Dan Drake: Ignore zope-testrunner in the scripts repository
[Reviewed by Mitesh Patel]
#9579: Nathann Cohen: Raise an exception when arguments to
add_constraint are not admissible [Reviewed by Harald Schilly]
#9583: Dan Drake: Unhandled SIGSEGV with 4.5.2.alpha0 on t2 [Reviewed by
Mitesh Patel]
#9584: Leif Leonhardy: Weird timeouts in doctesting generic_graph with
4.5.2.alpha0 on some systems [Reviewed by John Palmieri]
#9588: Armin Straub: Extend is_prime_power to negative exponents
[Reviewed by Carl Witty]
#9589: Alexandre Blondin Massé: Doctest failures in
nfactor_enumerable_word.py on 32-bit Linux [Reviewed by Leif Leonhardy]
#9590: Andrey Novoseltsev: Doctest failures in cone.py and
toric_lattice_element.pyx on 32-bit Linux [Reviewed by Leif Leonhardy]
#9594: Leif Leonhardy: Spring layout for graphs is currently random
across platforms: mark the doctest accordingly [Reviewed by John Palmieri]
#9597: Mitesh Patel: Fix first line of pari-2.3.5.p1's spkg-install
[Reviewed by Dan Drake]

Merged in sage-4.5.2.rc0:

#8465: Minh Van Nguyen, John Palmieri: move the document "Python
Functional Programming for Mathematicians" to the classification
"Thematic Tutorials" [Reviewed by John Palmieri, Leif Leonhardy]
#9582: Carl Witty: Term order discrepancy in random test on OS X
[Reviewed by Mitesh Patel]
#9607: Rob Beezer: Doctest failure in latex.rst [Reviewed by John Palmieri]
#9608: Mitesh Patel: Docbuild warnings in sage/interfaces/matlab.py
[Reviewed by John Palmieri]
#9609: Dan Drake: Remove unnecessary files from spkg/standard [Reviewed
by John Palmieri]
#9615: Rishikesh, Leif Leonhardy: doctest failures with lcalc functions
in 4.5.2.alpha1 [Reviewed by Dan Drake, Mitesh Patel]
#9616: Mitesh Patel: Errno 16 / NFS problems with parallel/decorate.py
[Reviewed by John Palmieri]

Merged in sage-4.5.2.rc1:

#9657: David Kirkby: cvxopt 0.9 does not compile on Solaris with gcc 4.5
or later. [Reviewed by John Palmieri]
#9659: John Cremona: EK.regulator_of_points() doctest error in
ell_number_field.py [Reviewed by David Kirkby]
#9665: Rishikesh: Make lcalc accessible as a library on OS X [Reviewed
by Georg S. Weber]

Merged in sage-4.5.2:

#9226: David Kirkby: README.txt says " Sage builds with GCC >= 3.x"
but it does NOT [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw]

Thanks again!

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