On 2010-Jul-01 13:09:30 -0600, "Jason B. Hill" <ja...@jasonbhill.com> wrote:
>What are others' thoughts on this? I can do a script as well, but only for
>Linux. I am also wondering how one would sort by OS, since it is my
>understanding that the main identifier (uname) is about as consistent
>between platforms as /etc/issue is between linux distros.

I'd also prefer a shellscript because it has no dependencies on the
sage build process.  uname is defined by POSIX so it should be
possible to get general output using system-independent code (though
the actual strings reported may vary from OS to OS).  CPU and memory
information is more OS-dependent but it shouldn't be too difficult to
write a script (with system-dependent bits) to extract this

Peter Jeremy

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