David Joyner wrote:

> Going form a vague memory:
> My colleague was arguing that one should not teach
> a course in scientific programming using Sage
> because it was so slow in doing some very simple
> things. Apparently if A is a vector or matrix in matlab
> (ie, an array or real numbers) and f is a function
> (eg, a sin or a polynomial), then f(A) is both
> easy for the student to write and also super
> optimized. He doubted Sage could do that.
> So for large sized arrays with thousands of entries,
> matlab would leave Sage in the dust.
> My only argument, if I remember, was that his
> argument did not make intuitive sense. I said that
> though I didn't know off the top of my head
> how to write down the evaluation of a function
> on a matrix in an optimized way, there must exist one.
> With scipy used in industry for serious number-crunching,
> it must be possible.

Indeed.  With numpy and scipy, it is pretty easy.

sage: a=random_matrix(ZZ,3)
sage: a
[ -1   0   1]
[  0   0 -72]
[ -1  -1   0]
sage: a_npy=a.numpy()
sage: a_npy
array([[ -1,   0,   1],
        [  0,   0, -72],
        [ -1,  -1,   0]])
sage: sin(a_npy)
array([[-0.84147098,  0.        ,  0.84147098],
        [ 0.        ,  0.        , -0.25382336],
        [-0.84147098, -0.84147098,  0.        ]])

However, Sage does not have extremely good integration between the 
symbolics and matrices just yet, so you do something like:

sage: a.apply_map(sin)
[ -sin(1)        0   sin(1)]
[       0        0 -sin(72)]
[ -sin(1)  -sin(1)        0]

You might also be interested in http://www.scipy.org/NumPy_for_Matlab_Users



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