Hi sage-devel and sage-release, here is as official an announcement as we will likely get. Note a huge amount of work on the sagenb, of course, and also the rather perplexing issue of what to do with contributions to the sagenb package, since they aren't merged in any particular alpha. At the very least be sure to mark a milestone on each and every closed ticket! Have fun.
##################################################################### Sage 4.2: October 24th, 2009 ##################################################################### Hi folks, Sage 4.2 was released on October 24, 2009. It is available at http://www.sagemath.org/download.html * About Sage (http://www.sagemath.org) Sage is developed by volunteers and combines over 90 open source packages. It is available for download from www.sagemath.org and its mirrors in source or binary form. If you have any questions and/or problems, please report them to the Google groups sage-devel or sage-support. You can also drop by in #sage-devel on freenode. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The following 43 people contributed to this release. Of those, 3 made their first contribution to Sage: * Adam Webb * Alex Ghitza * Anders Jonsson * Burcin Erocal * Chris Wuthrich * Craig Citro * Dan Drake * David Harvey * David Kirkby * David Roe * Florent Hivert * Franco Saliola * Jason Grout * Jerome Lefebvre * John Cremona * John Palmieri * Karl-Dieter Crisman * Kwankyu Lee * Mariah Lenox * Marshall Hampton * Martin Albrecht * Matthew Trumbell [first contribution] * Michael Brickenstein * Michael Yurko * Mike Hansen * Minh Van Nguyen * Mitesh Patel * Nathann Cohen * Nick Alexander * Nicolas M. Thiery * Ricardo Massaro [first contribution] * Rob Beezer * Robert Bradshaw * Robert Miller * Sebastien Labbe * Tim Abbott * Tim Dumol * Timothy Clemans * Tom Boothby * Volker Braun [first contribution] * Wilfried Huss * William Stein * Yann Laigle-Chapuy Release Managers * Mike Hansen * William Stein * Major features, new spkgs and bug fixes * Major upgrades to notebook spkg, including backward compatibility with previous notebooks * Continued categories and combinat merge preparation * Various symbolic and calculus bugfixes * Upgraded spkgs for jquery, libgcrypt, PIL, Trac, biopython, jinja, and Mercurial There is no release tour for Sage 4.2. * Bug Statistics We closed 109 tickets. For details see http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/milestone/sage-4.2 or check out the closed ticket section at the end of the announcement. * Upcoming Release The upcoming release is Sage 4.2.1. The goals for this release are: * Lots of bug fixes, not necessarily big new functionality * Full support for Itanium * Sage build support (not function) on cygwin * Doctesting Coverage For 4.1.2 we had: Overall weighted coverage score: 79.3% Total number of functions: 22617 In 4.2, we increased coverage by 0.2%, while adding 145 functions: Overall weighted coverage score: 79.5% Total number of functions: 22762 * Known issues * Doesn't work on itanium * Some real number field tests fail on PPC OS X * Bug in partition refinement * Closed Tickets #638: notebook improvement -- allow comment at beginning of text version of notebook [invalid] #1475: notebook -- lprint() -- make an option so lprint is done automatically [duplicate] #4644: Mariah Lenox: No new prompt when doing a ./sage -sh [Reviewed by Mike Hansen, merged in 4.1.2] #6440: hg_sage.serve() is broken in 4.1.alpha1 (mainly on Mac?) [fixed by #6906] #6488: "sage -docbuild -help" doesn't mention the --jsmath option [fixed by #6187] #7011: Dan Drake: fiddle with the number of threads automatically used for parallel testing [Reviewed by John Palmieri, merged in 4.1.2] #7019: update biopython optional package to 1.52 [posted as of 4.2] #7042: notebook: remove .pyc files [fixed in 4.2] #7229: Mitesh Patel: jsmath-image-fonts spkg installs to wrong directory [Reviewed by William Stein] #7247: sage-4.2.alpha0: mercurial doesn't build on OS X 10.6 [invalid] #7248: include jinja2 / upgrade jinja spkg [duplicate] Merged in Sage 4.2: #7275: John Palmieri: numerical noise in tutorial/tour_algebra.rst [Reviewed by Jaap Spies] #7280: William Stein: new version of sagenb for sage-4.2 [Reviewed by Tim Dumol, Mitesh Patel] Merged in Sage 4.2.alpha1: #5038: Sebastien Labbe: Add support for word path [Reviewed by Mike Hansen, Franco Saliola] #5092: William Stein: Primes()?? gets hung in len call; also bring coverage to 100% for primes.py [Reviewed by Mike Hansen, Karl-Dieter Crisman] #5596: Robert Bradshaw: refactor coercion to catch fewer exceptions [Reviewed by Nicolas M. Thiéry, Mike Hansen] #5597: Robert Bradshaw: Rename coercion action methods [Reviewed by Nicolas M. Thiéry] #5598: Robert Bradshaw: allow post-creation (pre-use) declaration of coercions [Reviewed by Nick Alexander] #6291: Jerome Lefebvre: Missing identity function in AbelianGroup [Reviewed by Rob Beezer] #6455: Chris Wuthrich: Bug in twisting for p_primary_bound on Tate- Shafarevich groups [Reviewed by John Cremona] #6579: David Kirkby: Error building 'modified sage library code' when including paripriv.h [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #6809: Nicolas M. Thiéry: abstract_methods_of_class [Reviewed by Florent Hivert] #6886: Christian Wuthrich: Elliptic curve isogeny checking can be expensive [Reviewed by John Cremona] #6935: Karl-Dieter Crisman: Improve documentation for plots with new axis code [Reviewed by Jason Grout] #7012: Nathann Cohen: clean up sage/numerical/mip.pyx [Reviewed by Mike Hansen, Minh Van Nguyen] #7049: Nathann Cohen: GLPK, just minor changes [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen] #7077: Alex Ghitza: variables() inconsistently returns a list or tuple [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman] #7122: Mike Hansen: plot real part and imaginary part of function sqrt. [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman] #7123: Minh Van Nguyen: cryptanalysis of the shift cipher [Reviewed by Rob Beezer, Mike Hansen] #7209: Nicolas M. Thiéry: Make `sage -coverage` aware of TestSuite [Reviewed by Florent Hivert] #7228: Anders Jonsson: Generalized Petersen graph generator [Reviewed by Nathann Cohen] #7236: Florent Hivert: Partitions cleanup (box => cell + indentation fix) [Reviewed by Nicolas M. Thiéry] #7245: Mike Hansen: sage -merge misses positively reviewed tickets [Reviewed by Dan Drake] #7246: Nathann Cohen: digraph.DeBruijn in graph_generators [Reviewed by Sebastien Labbe] #7251: Nicolas M. Thiéry: Allow for Integer(3, parent = MyParent) [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #7252: John Palmieri: fix spkg/install [Reviewed by Dan Drake] #7257: William Stein: spike_functions has numerical noise on powerpc (followup to #6891) [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #7259: Nicolas M. Thiéry: Revert Sets().category() from Sets() to Objects() [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #7263: Mitesh Patel: sage-4.2: jmol plotting on the command line is completely broken [Reviewed by William Stein] #7265: Mariah Lenox: typo in symbolic/expression.pyx [Reviewed by Burcin Erocal] Merged in Sage 4.2.alpha0: #1509: Matthew Trumbell: Allow text rotation in plotting [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman] #2341: Karl-Dieter Crisman, Ricardo Massaro: vector subs over symbolic does not work [Reviewed by Jason Grout] #2900: Karl-Dieter Crisman: matplotlib bug in imshow (probably fixed in new version) [Reviewed by Jason Grout] #3718: Karl-Dieter Crisman: calculus -- sage treats limits involving floor and ceil completely wrong [Reviewed by Tim Dumol] #3970: Mike Hansen: MaximaElements should not coerce into SR. [Reviewed by Adam Webb] #4807: Michael Yurko: bug in exponential integral [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #4941: Yann Laigle-Chapuy: pari list slicing is extremely slow -- make it much faster [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #5243: Florent Hivert: non decreasing parking functions (depend now on 5255) [Reviewed by Dan Drake, Mike Hansen] #5556: Karl-Dieter Crisman: symbolic gamma function is incoherent [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #5755: Karl-Dieter Crisman: error converting symbolic expression to polynomial [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #5812: Wilfried Huss: option zorder has no effect for point() and polygon() [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman, Volker Braun] #5899: Tim Abbott: Update Debian build support for Sage spkg [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #5985: Craig Citro, Nicolas M. Thiéry: cPickle: adds support for class pickling customization [Reviewed by Craig Citro, Nicolas M. Thiéry] #5986: Craig Citro, Nicolas M. Thiéry: Workaround mishandled nested classes in Python and cPickle [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw] #5991: Nicolas M. Thiéry: Add a standard constructor for dynamic classes [Reviewed by David Roe] #6118: Robert Bradshaw, Craig Citro: integer shifting slow [Reviewed by Mike Hansen, Craig Citro] #6187: John Palmieri, Mitesh Patel: Fix post-cloning docbuild problems and add new command-line options [Reviewed by John Cremona, Mike Hansen] #6189: Karl-Dieter Crisman: 'integrate' produces incorrect answer [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #6228: Karl-Dieter Crisman: Wrong multiplicities when solving a univariate polynomial equation [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #6304: David Harvey: intermittent crash in bernmm (4.0.2.rc0) [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #6420: Karl-Dieter Crisman: Maxima integration error with 1/x^3 [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #6482: Martin Albrecht: multivariate polynomial substitution has a design flaw [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #6572: John Palmieri: tutorial: put double colon on its own line [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #6586: John Palmieri: update Sphinx to version 0.6.2 or 0.6.3 [Reviewed by John Cremona, Tim Dumol, Mitesh Patel] #6605: John Palmieri: sage -docbuild DOC FORMAT should do better error checking on DOC [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel] #6642: Karl-Dieter Crisman: problem with solve (from the tutorial) [Reviewed by John Palmieri] #6823: Nathann Cohen: Kneser Graph in graph_generators [Reviewed by Rob Beezer] #6828: Nathann Cohen: Random Bipartite Graph [Reviewed by Rob Beezer] #6891: Karl-Dieter Crisman: Bring functions.spike_functions.py to 100% coverage [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #6892: John Palmieri: change dollar signs to backticks [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #6899: Mike Hansen, Burcin Erocal: weird bug taking float of real part of a symbolic [Reviewed by Burcin Erocal, Karl-Dieter Crisman] #6906: John Palmieri: update Mercurial to version 1.3.1 [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #6909: Martin Albrecht: move some commutative algebra to libSingular functions interface [Reviewed by Michael Brickenstein, Burcin Erocal] #6928: Mitesh Patel: Upgrade the Trac spkg to 0.11.5 [Reviewed by Tim Dumol] #6958: Robert Miller: prove_BSD function for elliptic curves over QQ [Reviewed by William Stein] #6977: Nicolas M. Thiéry: Implement __len__ to add support for MuPAD objects as Python containers [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #6986: Jason Grout: Make PIL standard [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #6998: Mike Hansen: wrong error for powerseries sqrt [Reviewed by Adam Webb] #7007: Mike Hansen: variables() method for polynomial rings returns the constant as well as the variable. [Reviewed by Jason Grout] #7010: Minh Van Nguyen: sanity check key value of the shift cryptosystem [Reviewed by Rob Beezer] #7015: William Stein, Minh Van Nguyen: cygwin port -- ratpoints -- don't build executable since we don't need it (and fails on cygwin) [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #7045: David Kirkby: update libgcrypt to the latest version 1.4.4 [Reviewed by Adam Webb] #7051: John H. Palmieri: latex issues [Reviewed by Tim Dumol] #7061: John Palmieri: add search_src to the developer's guide [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #7081: Tim Dumol: sage -c "..." runs from the local/bin/ directory. ugh [Reviewed by William Stein] #7084: Karl-Dieter Crisman: Make assumption comparison work for GenericDeclarations [Reviewed by Tim Dumol] #7087: Dan Drake: doctest failure in databases/sloane.py [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #7089: Dan Drake: refactor SAGE_ROOT/makefile [Reviewed by Tim Dumol] #7098: Karl-Dieter Crisman: Bring calculus.py to full coverage [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #7117: John Palmieri: latex fix for RIF [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #7119: Kwankyu Lee: Redundant minus sign in PolyDict polynomial [Reviewed by Adam Webb] #7120: John Palmieri: document Sphinx/reST markup for INPUT/OUTPUT [Reviewed by Adam Webb] #7126: Tim Dumol: Doc sidebar broken by Sphinx 0.6.3 JS compression [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel, Mike Hansen] #7148: John Palmieri: tutorial: try to clarify the 'rings' section [Reviewed by Mike Hansen] #7212: John Palmieri: steenrod algebra multiplication bug [Reviewed by William Stein] Merged in Sage notebook 0.3.9 and earlier: #4551: Timothy Clemans, Mitesh Patel: SageNB: Notebook Settings page [Reviewed by William Stein] #5447: Mitesh Patel: Upgrade to jQuery 1.3 and jQuery UI 1.7 [Reviewed by Jason Grout] #6459: Mitesh Patel: make it so control-shift-enter sends a blank line to tinymce [Reviewed by Karl-Dieter Crisman, Jason Grout, William Stein] #7053: Tim Dumol: SageNB fails to display uploaded files [Reviewed by William Stein] #7054: Tim Dumol: SageNB -- Minor aesthetic change in Upload or Create File [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel] #7063: Tim Dumol: SageNB -- Get SageNB to work seamlessly with old notebook saves [Reviewed by William Stein] #7110: Mitesh Patel: SageNB -- Port #4046, #5447, #6459, #6694, #6865, #6939 [Reviewed by William Stein] #7141: Tim Dumol: `math_parse` parses $'s in <script> tags [Reviewed by William Stein] #7158: Mitesh Patel: SageNB -- Set up challenge-response, such as a CAPTCHA, for account registration [Reviewed by William Stein] #7196: Mitesh Patel: SageNB: Reorganize the JS/Java/CSS/HTML "data" directory [Reviewed by William Stein] #7237: William Stein: sagenb: when printing output shown twice [Reviewed by Tim Dumol, Tom Boothby] #7238: William Stein, Mitesh Patel: sagenb notebook: insert new cell *above* text cell [Reviewed by Tim Dumol, William Stein] #7255: William Stein: sagenb notebook: reset() causes the worksheet to stop working. fix this. [Reviewed by Marshall Hampton] #7258: William Stein: sagenb notebook: fix "When saving a worksheet, the default filename has "..." in it. "; also change some menu items related to loading and saving worksheets to be clearer. [Reviewed by Mitesh Patel] On Oct 25, 1:45 am, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote: > On Sat, Oct 24, 2009 at 11:15 PM, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Hello, > > > Mike Hansen and I have released sage-4.2. > > > You can download the source here: > >http://sage.math.washington.edu/sage/src/sage-4.2.tar > > Binaries, official announcements, etc., will follow in a few days. > > > You can also upgrade with "sage -upgradehttp://sagemath.org/packages" > > (the url is only needed until the packages get sent to all the mirror > > sites). > > > Nobody has volunteered to be release manager for the next release yet, > > so it's in limbo until somebody does. > > Mike Hansen has graciously volunteered to do the next Sage release, > codenamed "sage-4.2.1". > > William --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ To post to this group, send an email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to sage-devel-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel URL: http://www.sagemath.org -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---