I've just tried the patch at http://sagetrac.org/sage_trac/ticket/6788
It does not appear to have solved my problem, but it highlights one that has bugged me for some time - one where running doctests can bring the machine to an almost standstill. 1) First I run the test. drkir...@swan:[~/sage/gcc32-sage-4.1.2.rc0] $ sage -t ./devel/sage-main/build/sa ge/symbolic/assumptions.py sage -t "devel/sage-main/build/sage/symbolic/assumptions.py" Here's the state of my system sometime during the test. python is using virtually no CPU time, and maxima at 46% is almost CPU bound, as there are two CPUs, and prstat shows the percentage as a total. PID USERNAME SIZE RSS STATE PRI NICE TIME CPU PROCESS/NLWP 26010 drkirkby 30M 24M cpu1 10 0 0:03:56 46% maxima/1 692 drkirkby 241M 117M run 58 0 1:43:52 3.4% Xsun/1 18556 drkirkby 179M 141M run 59 0 0:26:24 1.8% firefox-bin/6 962 drkirkby 98M 60M sleep 55 0 0:26:29 0.6% gnome-terminal/2 16255 drkirkby 250M 181M run 49 0 0:07:41 0.4% acroread/1 26050 drkirkby 3520K 2752K cpu0 59 0 0:00:00 0.1% prstat/1 970 drkirkby 236M 73M sleep 49 0 0:05:14 0.1% java/18 10809 root 21M 10M sleep 49 0 0:02:06 0.1% smbd/1 792 noaccess 262M 142M run 59 0 0:03:26 0.1% java/18 25974 drkirkby 8136K 5504K run 59 0 0:00:00 0.1% python/1 10807 drkirkby 20M 14M sleep 49 0 0:15:57 0.0% sunpcbinary/3 910 drkirkby 77M 37M sleep 59 0 0:01:31 0.0% gnome-panel/1 950 drkirkby 67M 4176K sleep 49 0 0:00:51 0.0% mixer_applet2/1 903 drkirkby 12M 2552K sleep 59 0 0:00:38 0.0% gnome-smproxy/1 25905 drkirkby 3440K 2584K run 58 0 0:00:00 0.0% bash/1 Total: 133 processes, 334 lwps, load averages: 1.67, 1.46, 1.09 Now the test fails. *** *** Error: TIMED OUT! PROCESS KILLED! *** *** *** *** Error: TIMED OUT! *** *** A mysterious error (perhaps a memory error?) occurred, which may have crashed do ctest. [360.5 s] exit code: 768 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The following tests failed: sage -t "devel/sage-main/build/sage/symbolic/assumptions.py" Total time for all tests: 360.5 seconds At this point, I would expect both python and maxima to stop running, since they have done their job. But this is not the case. After the test failure, so the CPU usage just keeps climbing. PID USERNAME SIZE RSS STATE PRI NICE TIME CPU PROCESS/NLWP 26010 drkirkby 30M 24M run 10 0 0:07:29 45% maxima/1 692 drkirkby 242M 118M cpu0 59 0 1:44:10 3.9% Xsun/1 13996 drkirkby 337M 266M sleep 49 0 0:31:06 3.4% thunderbird-bin/8 18556 drkirkby 179M 141M run 59 0 0:26:32 2.0% firefox-bin/6 962 drkirkby 102M 64M sleep 59 0 0:26:32 0.4% gnome-terminal/2 16255 drkirkby 250M 181M run 49 0 0:07:43 0.4% acroread/1 906 drkirkby 103M 41M sleep 59 0 0:07:24 0.3% metacity/1 26050 drkirkby 3880K 3104K sleep 59 0 0:00:01 0.2% prstat/1 970 drkirkby 236M 73M sleep 49 0 0:05:15 0.1% java/18 925 drkirkby 97M 30M sleep 49 0 0:02:12 0.1% wnck-applet/1 792 noaccess 262M 142M sleep 59 0 0:03:26 0.1% java/18 903 drkirkby 12M 2552K sleep 59 0 0:00:38 0.0% gnome-smproxy/1 26069 drkirkby 3376K 2640K cpu1 59 0 0:00:00 0.0% prstat/1 10807 drkirkby 20M 13M sleep 49 0 0:15:57 0.0% sunpcbinary/3 10809 root 21M 10M sleep 49 0 0:02:06 0.0% smbd/1 Total: 129 processes, 330 lwps, load averages: 1.86, 1.67, 1.25 Give it a bit longer, and so maxima is still eating up tons of cpu time. PID USERNAME SIZE RSS STATE PRI NICE TIME CPU PROCESS/NLWP 26010 drkirkby 30M 24M cpu1 10 0 0:10:27 46% maxima/1 692 drkirkby 241M 117M run 52 0 1:44:25 3.4% Xsun/1 18556 drkirkby 179M 141M sleep 59 0 0:26:40 1.8% firefox-bin/6 13996 drkirkby 337M 266M sleep 49 0 0:31:17 1.0% thunderbird-bin/8 16255 drkirkby 250M 181M sleep 49 0 0:07:44 0.4% acroread/1 962 drkirkby 102M 64M run 59 0 0:26:34 0.3% gnome-terminal/2 906 drkirkby 103M 41M sleep 59 0 0:07:25 0.3% metacity/1 26050 drkirkby 3880K 3104K sleep 59 0 0:00:01 0.2% prstat/1 970 drkirkby 236M 73M sleep 49 0 0:05:15 0.1% java/18 792 noaccess 262M 142M sleep 59 0 0:03:26 0.1% java/18 26072 drkirkby 3376K 2640K cpu0 59 0 0:00:00 0.1% prstat/1 925 drkirkby 97M 30M sleep 49 0 0:02:12 0.0% wnck-applet/1 10807 drkirkby 20M 13M sleep 49 0 0:15:57 0.0% sunpcbinary/3 910 drkirkby 77M 37M sleep 59 0 0:01:32 0.0% gnome-panel/1 10809 root 21M 10M sleep 49 0 0:02:06 0.0% smbd/1 Total: 129 processes, 331 lwps, load averages: 1.68, 1.70, 1.35 That load average wont bring the machine to a halt, but when I run the test again, so the old maxima carries along eating up CPU time, and a new one (the test in progress) is also eating up CPU time. PID USERNAME SIZE RSS STATE PRI NICE TIME CPU PROCESS/NLWP 26010 drkirkby 30M 24M cpu0 10 0 0:15:49 35% maxima/1 26140 drkirkby 30M 24M run 10 0 0:01:25 34% maxima/1 692 drkirkby 241M 117M sleep 59 0 1:44:58 4.5% Xsun/1 13996 drkirkby 337M 266M sleep 49 0 0:31:48 3.1% thunderbird-bin/9 18556 drkirkby 179M 140M run 59 0 0:26:54 1.8% firefox-bin/6 962 drkirkby 102M 64M sleep 59 0 0:26:40 1.1% gnome-terminal/2 507 root 17M 7504K sleep 59 0 0:00:04 0.7% fmd/20 906 drkirkby 103M 41M sleep 59 0 0:07:27 0.6% metacity/1 16255 drkirkby 250M 179M run 49 0 0:07:47 0.4% acroread/1 26050 drkirkby 3880K 2904K sleep 59 0 0:00:03 0.2% prstat/1 91 root 4184K 2552K sleep 59 0 0:00:00 0.2% devfsadm/6 925 drkirkby 97M 30M sleep 49 0 0:02:12 0.2% wnck-applet/1 912 drkirkby 82M 13M sleep 59 0 0:00:20 0.2% nautilus/5 970 drkirkby 236M 73M run 49 0 0:05:16 0.1% java/18 26171 drkirkby 3520K 2784K cpu1 59 0 0:00:00 0.1% prstat/1 Total: 138 processes, 341 lwps, load averages: 3.30, 2.35, 1.73 After that test fails, so I'm left with two copies of maxima both eating up CPU time. PID USERNAME SIZE RSS STATE PRI NICE TIME CPU PROCESS/NLWP 26140 drkirkby 30M 24M run 10 0 0:05:29 36% maxima/1 26010 drkirkby 30M 24M run 10 0 0:19:57 35% maxima/1 692 drkirkby 242M 117M cpu1 59 0 1:45:23 4.5% Xsun/1 13996 drkirkby 337M 266M sleep 49 0 0:32:06 2.2% thunderbird-bin/8 18556 drkirkby 179M 140M sleep 59 0 0:27:05 1.8% firefox-bin/6 906 drkirkby 103M 41M sleep 59 0 0:07:28 1.1% metacity/1 925 drkirkby 97M 30M sleep 49 0 0:02:14 1.1% wnck-applet/1 962 drkirkby 102M 64M cpu1 59 0 0:26:43 0.7% gnome-terminal/2 16255 drkirkby 250M 179M run 49 0 0:07:49 0.4% acroread/1 26050 drkirkby 3880K 2856K sleep 59 0 0:00:05 0.2% prstat/1 970 drkirkby 236M 73M sleep 49 0 0:05:17 0.1% java/18 903 drkirkby 12M 2544K sleep 59 0 0:00:39 0.1% gnome-smproxy/1 910 drkirkby 77M 37M sleep 59 0 0:01:32 0.1% gnome-panel/1 792 noaccess 262M 142M sleep 59 0 0:03:27 0.1% java/18 26187 drkirkby 3376K 2640K cpu0 59 0 0:00:00 0.0% prstat/1 Total: 133 processes, 334 lwps, load averages: 3.27, 2.87, 2.15 It goes without saying, if its run again, then it will create a third maxima process, fail again, then I have 3 maxima processes running. On occasions this as sent the load average up to about 17 on my box, as test failures are not killing the processes they created. So one might expect that killing maxima would solve my problems. drkir...@swan:[~/sage/gcc32-sage-4.1.2.rc0] $ pkill -9 maxima But no, they do not!! No two python processes, which were using virtually no CPU time, take over where maxima left off, and start using CPU time. PID USERNAME SIZE RSS STATE PRI NICE TIME CPU PROCESS/NLWP 25976 drkirkby 152M 94M run 0 0 0:00:56 33% python/1 26106 drkirkby 152M 97M cpu0 0 0 0:00:52 31% python/1 692 drkirkby 242M 118M cpu1 59 0 1:45:39 5.2% Xsun/1 13996 drkirkby 337M 266M sleep 49 0 0:32:24 5.1% thunderbird-bin/8 18556 drkirkby 179M 140M run 59 0 0:27:12 1.8% firefox-bin/6 962 drkirkby 102M 64M run 56 0 0:26:45 0.8% gnome-terminal/2 906 drkirkby 103M 41M sleep 59 0 0:07:30 0.6% metacity/1 16255 drkirkby 250M 179M sleep 49 0 0:07:51 0.4% acroread/1 26191 drkirkby 30M 24M sleep 49 0 0:00:04 0.3% maxima/1 26195 drkirkby 30M 24M sleep 49 0 0:00:04 0.3% maxima/1 26050 drkirkby 3880K 2856K sleep 59 0 0:00:06 0.2% prstat/1 970 drkirkby 236M 73M sleep 49 0 0:05:18 0.1% java/18 26224 drkirkby 3504K 2768K cpu1 59 0 0:00:00 0.1% prstat/1 925 drkirkby 97M 30M sleep 49 0 0:02:14 0.1% wnck-applet/1 792 noaccess 262M 142M sleep 59 0 0:03:28 0.1% java/18 Total: 133 processes, 334 lwps, load averages: 2.98, 2.95, 2.32 As you can see, there is something very seriously wrong with the way these doctest failures are handled. Dave --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ To post to this group, send an email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to sage-devel-unsubscr...@googlegroups.com For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel URL: http://www.sagemath.org -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---