Hello all

Trying to fix http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/2617

My idea is to write wrapped for maxima solve command which
* passes equations to maxima within errcatch environment (to prevent
errors from solve(acot(x)==0,x) )
* optionally does either nothing more,
  or (default) plugs the right hand sides of answers in the form
x=independent_on_x  into equation(s),
  or optinally checks that the equations are true (this would fix
http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/3745 )

this would return
sage:solve(x*ln(x)*(x-1),x, check='domains')

[x==0, x==1]

and would remove incorrect solutions from trac 3745

I was supprised that
sage: maxima("solve(x*log(x)-x-sin(x)=0,x)")

has very very different output to

sage: solve(x*log(x)-x-sin(x)==0,x)
[x == r27, x == r25]    ---- ugh!

so I was looking for definition of solve in /home/sage/sage_install/
(worked on uw.sagenb.org)

where everything seems to be done in m.solve(variables)   so I looked
for .solve method.


does not show anything resonable for me. Also I was not able to find
anything resonable in he file interfaces/maxima.py

Where can i digg out the string which actually is passed to Maxima?
And do you think that the described method to solve the problem is a
good idea?
I did something like this for scalar case in MAW, you can try for
example function calculator at

Robert Marik

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