On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 10:14 PM, Ondrej Certik<ond...@certik.cz> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 6:48 PM, William Stein<wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 9:15 PM, Ondrej Certik<ond...@certik.cz> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> so let's start the notebook as a separate project? I would of course
>>> prefer if Mike could do that, but if he's busy, I'll try to at least
>>> start it.
>> Unfortunately, Mike seems to be MIA for the last few weeks, from my
>> point of view at least...
>>>  I think it could be on notebook.sagemath.org. What kind of
>>> bugtracker do you prefer to use?
>>> Looking at Jaap's playground here:
>>> http://nb.femhub.org/home/pub/19/
>>> he discovered, that "%sh" is not working for him. Then there is the
>>> bug, that if you publish a worksheet, it says
>>> "http://:8000/home/pub/27";, then I want to implement Prabhu's idea to
>>> automatically show the 3D stuff from mayavi if you have a plugin
>>> installed, etc. Lots of little things like this, that I'd much prefer
>>> to fix by submitting a patch to the official notebook in Sage (I don't
>>> want to rebase my patches to the latest notebook if I just commit it
>>> into my very old version of it).
>> All the above should be reported to trac.sagemath.org with component
>> set to "notebook".
> Ok, I'll start using your trac for the notebook problems (if they are
> clearly related to Sage).
>>> Do you prefer it to maintain inside sage
>> Yes.
>>> (setup_notebook.py is missing in 4.0.1)
>> This is because http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/5789 hasn't
>> got in yet.
>>> , or outside sage? I would much prefer outside, but if it's
>>> too much work on your side, let's do it inside.
>> Well I'm going to continue to develop it in Sage for the near term and
>> focus on getting 5789 in so that it is easy to autogenerate a separate
>> "sagelite" that includes the sage notebook and all pexpect interfaces.
>> I don't see any reason you couldn't have a version outside Sage and
>> yet still we can exchange code, apply patches, etc.
>> I'm guessing that the reason you want to separate the notebook right
>> now as a separate project is that there are several bugs you want to
>> fix or have fixed, and you want to fix them in SPD rather than Sage.
> In fact I would much prefer to fix it in Sage *and* SPD, e.g. have
> just one notebook.
>> Just do it.  I don't think it will be at all difficult to merge your
>> changes back into Sage proper, assuming your fixes are right.
> Thanks for the feedback. So originally I thought that you and Mike
> wanted to create a separate spin-off project for the notebook as a
> standalone projectt with it's own webapage, bugs, etc.

We do.  I just think that time isn't exactly right to do that. I want
to "do it right", and I'll have a lot of time to devote to the
notebook Sept - December, so that's when I would rather do it.  I
think for the next 2-3 months it would be nice if we could continue
developing with the current infrastructure.

My main short term priority will be getting sagelite included in Sage-4.1.1.

> As to me, I don't really mind where the notebook is, as long as there
> is some easy way to submit patches etc.
> So I'll start fixing the things in my own git branch, but I think it
> will be easy to port it to the official Sage notebook, once it can be
> used separate to Sage again.
> Ondrej
> >

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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