Thanks for that explanation, gsw.  I feel like I have a better sense
of why that happened so often in class!

- kcrisman

On Jun 25, 4:10 pm, gsw <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I suspect you're just running out of RAM.
> Not necessarily physically, but the construction Sage --> expect
> interface --> Maxima --> Lisp implementation is a fragile one. If the
> Lisp implementation "thinks" it runs out of space, this is not handled
> too gracefully by Maxima, and as a consequence the synchronization
> between Sage/the expect interface, and Maxima, gets lost more or less
> often.
> Three options (none, or all, might help):
> - alter your code to do your computations in "smaller pieces"
> - move to a "bigger" machine
> - use a current Sage version (maybe the clisp ---> ecl switch does
> heal your problem, or the pynac switch, or ...)
> Good luck!
> Cheers,
> gsw
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