Hi there,

> Very nice!  It's been on my Sage to-do list for some time to attempt
> something similar for the wiki or the developer's guide.  At a
> minimum, I hope this presentation can get a pointer from the wiki
> (once its completed) from someplace other than just the SD16 pages.

Yes, definitely, we could also go through to see what needs to be added to the 
dev guide although it seems people (like you) did a pretty good job updating 
it already.

> Some suggestions:
> 1.  The "Python in a Nutshell" is another good Python book, which
> William recommends along with "Dive Into Python."  They complement
> each other nicely - the first is a good bedtime read, the second is a
> handy reference.

I added it.

> 2.  I very often use   search_src('def foo(')  to discover where, and
> how, the function  foo  is implemented.  Might not be obvious to those
> who are new to Python, yet still want to explore the code.

I added it.

> 3.  Does  "make test"  require more compilation than  "sage -b; sage -
> testall"?  I've found the latter seems to suffice, and only use the
> former when I build from source, but maybe they have the same net
> effect, or the latter misses some things.  I don't know enough about
> the build system to know for sure.

It is pretty much the same, it should just work on whatever system. I haven't 
tried though.

> 4.  It took me a while to discover that  devel/sage  is a symlink to
> whatever branch/clone is currently "active."  Especially at first when
> I'd see, for example,  devel/sage/sage/misc/latex.py  and I really
> didn't know why the sage needed to be repeated.  Add in the sage-main
> directory to enhance the initial confusion.  So the notion that  sage -
> b myclone   changes this symlink to "sage-myclone" is a helpful thing
> to know.

I added this.

> 5.  The drill:
> sage -b main
> sage -update <URL-to-upgrade-bits>
> is nice to know if you want to keep the "main" branch up-to-date for
> subsequent clones.

I don't want to talk about updating because IIRC this is considered advanced 
usage, i.e. you have to know what you do.

> 6.  Michael Abshoff once said on Trac "no such thing as a 'negative
> review'"  (probably more than once, I'd guess).  It'd be a nice
> comment in your patch-naming section to reinforce your comments later
> about the civility of the Sage community.

I will mention it!

> Again, nice job on this, and I think it will be very helpful for those
> wishing to get started contributing code.

I hope so too, I'll report back how it went :)


name: Martin Albrecht
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_jab: martinralbre...@jabber.ccc.de

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