I realize you are trying to keep it concise, but I have 2 suggestions
for geometry and interfaces:

p = polytopes.twenty_four_cell()
show(p.render_wireframe(), frame = False)

and interfaces (Gfan):

r3.<x,y,z> = PolynomialRing(QQ,3)
vort_ideal = r3.ideal([-6*x*y*z+x*y+x*z+6*y*z-y^2-z^2, -6*x*y*z+x*y+y*z
+6*x*z-x^2-z^2, -6*x*y*z+z*y+x*z+6*y*x-y^2-x^2])
show(vort_ideal.groebner_fan().render(), axes = False, figsize=

Just my own biases...

On Jun 5, 7:04 pm, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/6/5 kcrisman <kcris...@gmail.com>:
> >> due to a *major* bug in the tinyMCE integration, which anybody who has
> >> seriously used the SAge notebook has run into.  Nobody has come up
> >> with a clean test case though.  My worksheet is unfortunately
> >> completely scrambled, and I'll have to spend an hour sorting it
> >> through.   Jason, since you wrote the tinymce integration into sage,
> >> any idea why it would randomly scramble things?
> > Yes, and it's always just before class is about to start.  It's SO
> > annoying.
> Unfortunately, I just got done teaching my last class before the
> summer break, so now it'll be even harder to debug this!
> >> If *anybody* has any idea how to systematically replicate this "random
> >> scrambling" of worksheet contents, please post.
> > I can't quite do it, though I've tried many times.  BUT I do know what
> > it does, I think.  I believe that somehow TinyMCE is recording the
> > inputs and eventually gets too much input if you don't save the
> > worksheet.  Then (I'm pretty sure, again can't replicate) everything
> > since your last save/the last time TinyMCE could handle it is appended
> > in REVERSE order at the bottom of the worksheet - check it out!  I
> > hope this helps Jason or someone else replicate it.
> That makes some sense.  Not having looked yet, I'm guessing that the
> TinyMCE code in Sage doesn't properly verify that code was actually
> inserted by the server into the server's copy of the worksheet.  E.g.,
> when you insert a new cell in the notebook, you do *not* see that new
> cell inserted until the message goes to the server "insert this cell",
> then a message comes *back* saying "new cell inserted".    Try the
> following:
>    (1) start the notebook server
>    (2) make a worksheet with some cells include some tinymce cells
>    (3) kill the notebook server.
>    (4) notice that you get a big error when you attempt to insert a cell
>    (5) try to edit a tinymce cell.  Notice that everything appears to
> work fine, but in fact it can't be since the server doesn't exist.
> The above "proves" that if the message "this text cell has changed"
> from the web browser to the server somehow gets dropped, then one will
> silently just have edits vanish.   Maybe they get sent later, which is
> why they appear elsewhere in the document.
> In any case, irregardless of it fixing the reording bug or not, the
> tinymce integration code should be changed so that when you save your
> changes to a cell, it does a roundtrip to the server to make damn sure
> the changes really got sent.
> William
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