I particularly like the suggestions for projects, which at first
blush, look like they are geared to an undergraduate audience.   I
suspect there are folks with the ability and inclination to contribute
to Sage, but they don't always have a good idea where to start.  So
including these suggestions in a high-level "Grand Tour", from
somebody who holds the big picture (that'd be you, William!), perhaps
revised periodically (annually?), might be a great way to stimulate


On Jun 5, 2:15 am, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm writing a Sage "grand tour" worksheet with one section for each of
> the 39 main modules in SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage/sage/.  For each, there is
> a quick summary of what it is about and where it comes from, then a
> short discussion fo where it is going next, followed by a couple of
> examples.  You can see the current version here:
> http://480.sagenb.org/home/pub/45/
> If you have any corrections, additions, etc., to make, please email
> them to me in response to this email. Thanks.  There are still about
> 15 sections left to write.
> A key thing is that each section should be pretty short.  Ideally, I
> would like to be able to go over some polished version of this whole
> thing in two talks (i.e., 100 minutes).
> William
> --
> William Stein
> Associate Professor of Mathematics
> University of Washingtonhttp://wstein.org
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